7 Best Cosplays
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Politics and Activism

7 Best Cosplays

And a not-at-all-disguised roast of American politics.

7 Best Cosplays
Fire Storm Fan

With election season in full swing, and both major political parties naming their candidates, it seemed as though I ought to weigh in on the inadequacies of the election system, the differences between two predominant ways of thinking that are dividing the country and just spread some general hope for the future and maybe a bit of national pride. But then I realized I was too filled with ennui to write anything of the sort. Even this paragraph was bordering on too much for me. So I'm going to show you some of the best cosplays I've ever seen instead. Doesn't that sound nice and relaxed? Yeah, let's do that instead.

1. Ultimate Spider-Man.

Look at that! This guy looks like he should be signing autographs or something. More than anything I want to know how he managed to balance on the parking meter like that. For those of you who've never read a Spider-Man comic, seen one of his movies, or have in general been living under a rock for 60 some-odd years, here's a reference picture:

Wow, that's really cool right? I'm sure no one's worried about any sort of political strife now. Let's look at more cool things.

2. Batman Beyond.

What?! That's crazy good. It looks like he jumped straight off the page...or screen. It really depends on where you're more familiar with this character. You think you'll see something like that at a political rally? I don't think so. At least I hope not. I mean, I know politicians are getting weird, but hopefully I won't see Ted Cruz dressed as Batman anytime soon.

The protector of Gotham, and a die-hard Bernie or Bust supporter.

3. Princess Azula.

Pretty good right? I'm not going to lie to you, I don't often see cosplays from "Avatar: The Last Airbender," but a good villain is a good villain, and this is an exceptional costume.

Pictured above: Azula on her way to the RNC to pledge the Fire Nation delegates to Donald Trump.

4. Majin Buu.

Now there's dedication, and then there's this guy. I don't know what's more impressive, the costume or the fact that he seems to be able to resist the temptation to rip that stupid mustache off his friend's face.

"Dragon Ball Z" has the third-highest number of super-powerful, evil beings bent on world domination. The second is the RNC, and number one is the New England Patriots. Yeah, that's right. I put the football joke on the anime character. Now you don't know what to expect.

5. General Grievous.

Now that's really impressive. Probably the most impressive thing to come out of the "Star Wars" prequels. I'm just glad someone liked them.

General Grievous was an interesting character when he was introduced, with a lot of build-up that ended in a rather disappointing display. It shouldn't be much of a surprise that Grievous has decided to vote Libertarian.

6. Jane Porter.

Yeah that's right, I included a Disney character. I bet that threw you for quite the loop, huh? That's right, the list full of comic book and anime characters rounds itself out with what cannot be denied as an extremely impressive Disney cosplay.

Jane herself has said she'll be voting for Hillary. This is likely out of solidarity for another very intelligent, very capable woman who is constantly overshadowed by her comically oafish husband.

7. The Joker (Heath Ledger).

Talk about spot-on. When I first saw this, for a moment I wondered if it was actually Heath Ledger walking around a convention as the Joker. However, I'm fairly certain Heath Ledger had already passed away when this picture was taken. Still, it's good to know that his iconic portrayal of the Joker lives on.

I bet you all know where this is going. "Oh it's a villain, so he's probably voting Republican, right?"

Wrong. I have it on good authority that the Joker intends to vote for the Green Party. Why? Because there's one thing he can appreciate: a good joke.

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