5 Wellness Rituals You Need To Start Now
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Health and Wellness

5 Wellness Rituals You Need To Start Now

No, it does not include meal prepping or drinking more water.

5 Wellness Rituals You Need To Start Now
Encompass Yoga

As we kick off February with a very conscious #newyearsameme attitude, it is no surprise that a few of our overly-ambitious resolutions may have gone out the window... 6 a.m. gym sessions, green-juice dates or just saying a firm NO to the 5th? 8th? chocolate chip cookie are not as ideal as they were the night of December 31st. Still, wellness is on the rise – recent studies show that health and wellness is expected to be the next trillion dollar industry. Fortunately, there are a few fitness, nutrition, and mindfulness hacks you can implement in your daily routine today. Start healthy now, skip guilty later.

1. Love Your Lemons (& The Peel).

A super quick way to get Vitamin C, Potassium, Fiber, Magnesium and an Alkalizing effect on the body is with these yellow gems. Fun Fact: Most people assume that because lemons are a citrus fruit, and very tangy, that they are acidic. False! Once ingested, lemons have the polar opposite effect on the body, transforming to alkaline. Bonus points if you find a way to use the peel, which is perfect for juices, smoothies, and garnish. Sweet victory.

2. Dry Brush.

You brush your hair. You brush your teeth. Why not start brushing your bod? But take note: not all brushes are created equal. In order to achieve benefits beyond baby-soft skin and top-tier exfoliation, you must get the right brush, and move it in the right direction. Spa pros and health enthusiasts pick a brand with au naturale bristles... sort of like straw, or even cactus. If used to brush UP the body, from toe to head, the detoxing effects are similar to that of a massage: eliminating toxins, supporting lymph nodes and creating balance from the outside in.

3. Say Yes to Cinnamon (Not Toast Crunch).

It's time to get spicy. Table spices and herbs, as simple as cinnamon, have a huge effect on our bodies and our brain power. The many compounds in cinnamon enable it to be the #1 antioxidant spice, with anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-microbial and immunity boosting abilities in every pinch. Sprinkle it on oatmeal, cereal, gluten-free toast, or my favorite... on top of an almond-milk LATTE!

4. Walk For 30 Minutes, Every Day.

Perhaps the best and easiest thing you can do for your mind, body & spirit is a good old fashioned walk. Consider this: remember walking, running, even dare I say, sprinting, throughout your childhood on the playground, on a soccer field, whatever? You get the idea. Exercise used to be mindless, subconscious even – and now we need bracelets to keep us on track. Studies show that a quickie walk most days of the week, lead to higher levels of creativity, a smaller waistline, and a better mood all around. Just a little something to smile about.

5. Cue The Relaxation Response.

Way back in the 1970s, a cardiologist at Harvard Medical School cultivated a technique known as the 'Relaxation Response' or, a physical and mental state where we are able to overcome the dreaded flight-or-fight response. The stressful wave of fleeing a situation or jumping in the ring is what keeps us alive and well in dangerous situations, but can take a toll on our blood pressure, immunity, and even can contribute to anxiety and depression if kicked in at the sight of a traffic jam. Thankfully, doctors and patients alike have agreed that practicing deep breathing, yoga, and meditation can lessen our stress levels and therefore, increase our overall health. If meditating naturally is not your thing, there's an app for that. It's worth a try, even Harvard says so.

I wish you the best of luck in your health & wellness journey in 2017! May your days be full of lemon juicing, deep breathing, sweaty walking, cinnamon drinking, dry brushing and cookie crumbling. You know, just for good measure.

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