If you have been on the internet at all lately, you're bound to have seen at least one "Saturday Night Live" sketch concerning the presidential election. Trump is a favorite for SNL, just because he gives them such good content to joke about, but the real star of the recent election skits is Hillary Clinton, portrayed by Kate McKinnon. As the election goes on, we see Clinton trying more and more tactics to win over voters. From her ride on the New York City Subway last week to the $2,700 plate dinner she is hosting alongside America's Most Eligible (But Also Married) Bachelor, she is campaigning hard for the votes of everyday New Yorkers and the millionaire CEOs of the banks they work at. Kate McKinnon really embodies the spirit of Clinton in her series of portrayals on SNL. Here are five times Kate McKinnon may have played Clinton better than the former First Lady herself.
1. Hillary Clinton Bar Talk - October 2015
This is one of my favorites, just because you can tell how uncomfortable Hillary is with McKinnon's portrayal of her. She brings up the fact that it takes Clinton so long to make up her mind on the Keystone Pipeline, and how she changed her mind on same-sex marriage. If McKinnon isn't careful, she might end up turning into Clinton herself!
2. Hillary Clinton Election Video - April 2015
This one was aired the night Clinton announced her candidacy last April. I feel like this really encapsulates Clinton to a T - especially the part about "stiff competition from Martin O'Malley." Kate McKinnon always does a great job with her facial expressions and really gets into character, which is why she always nails her part as Hillary Clinton.
3. Hillary Clinton Cold Open - March 2015
I know these aren't in chronological order (because they are in order of Hillary-ness), and this one was shot a month before Clinton announced her run for President. McKinnon really hits the nail on he head here - Hillary trying to be "relatable," her "debate" on whether or not she will run for president, her persona, everything. If you put the two in a room together, it would be hard to tell them apart.
4. Hillary Clinton Addresses Her Losing Streak - April 2016
This video comes in second only to the "Campaign Ad," because this is just so spot-on. Clinton "eating" a New York street dog, mispronouncing the "Mets," and taking the subway to show New Yorkers she's "one of them," is exactly the campaign tactic Clinton is using to try and take New York. Not to mention McKinnon plays on Bernie's recent bird encounter here. SNL is truly brilliant.
5. Hillary Clinton Campaign Ad - March 2016
This one, by far, takes the cake. In this race, we have seen Hillary flip-flop on big issues, depending on what is popular. Often times, she will change her stance based on what Bernie Sanders is saying, but then claims that it was her idea from the start. I swear, if McKinnon got any closer to being Hillary, they would have the same fingerprints.