Mechanics are a rare breed, few and far between. They are the first person you call when your car has the hiccups or when it's on its death bed. However, sometimes mechanics get the short end of the stick when getting chosen for dating material, but that's something that needs to change. I'm gonna give you five main reasons why dating a mechanic can be hectic but also very rewarding.
1. They don't have time to cheat.
I speak from experience when I say I've gotten the short end of the stick in past relationships with guys who cheated because they had too much time on their hands. Well, mechanics are notoriously overworked. In today's society, there are more vehicles on the road than ever and all of which require maintenance from time to time. This makes life hectic and sometimes overwhelming but it makes you appreciate that the little time he does have, he makes it to spend time with you!
2. They can handle difficult situations.
Mechanics see people on their worst day. Flat tires, blown head gaskets, locked up transmissions and engine difficulties tend to bring out the worst in people. So they can handle the screams, crying and absolute worst meltdowns that occur in the relationship because they've handled it at work for years. It's a blessing to have this trait in a relationship because mechanic is a tougher person when it comes to dealing with trials and tribulations.
3. They will always have a job.
Unlike a fiddle-makers or a plastic bottle manufacturers, mechanics have jobs that are always going to be in demand and will not able to be outsourced. No matter what the economic situation or what technology does; as long as people are driving cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles, big machinery etc., then mechanics will need to be around to fix them. So if you want a significant other who will keep bringing home a paycheck no matter what happens, date a mechanic.
4. They are hardworking.
Laziness is very unattractive. Period, no discussion. Thankfully, you can't accuse the vast majority of mechanics of this trait. Rain or shine, hot summers afternoons, freezing winter mornings, nights and weekends, mechanics are always working hard to keep people on the road. As with any other industry, of course there are those who cut corners and don't work to their full potential, but in the world of mechanics, it's incredibly difficult to get away with being lazy, simply because of the overwhelming workload that will weed out the slackers pretty quickly.
5. They will fix your car
Biggest perk of dating a mechanic is they can fix and diagnose your car for you at any given time. Broken timing belt? Tell the boyfriend and he'll fix it. Funny clicking noise coming from the dash? He'll fix it when he gets home. Flat tire? No problem, he's got that changed in ten minutes flat. One thing is for certain; if you're dating or married to a mechanic, your car will always be running in tip-top shape!
So, yes, the mechanical perks are great, but I've learned that dating a mechanic has many more advantages. The traits and qualities they have picked up along the way far out way qualities that others may not have. I admire his hard work, his dedication, the long hours I know he puts in now so that we can have a brighter future, so I guess you can say that my main reason for truly loving my mechanic is simple: he loves me and is willing to "build" a future one step at a time just like a the building a motor from the ground up!