All of us have those things we want to do in our lifetimes, whether they be courageous, crazy or simple goals. At 19 years old, I am pretty happy with my lifetime bucket list. I dream big and I have realistic dreams. I will add onto this list as I experience what life has to offer me, but so far, these are my dreams.
1. Graduate College
I am half way there! I am going into my junior year of college as an accounting and a business administration major. I couldn’t be happier with it! College is a big deal to me and I love learning. I can't wait to see what life after college brings.
2. Watch My Mom Quit Smoking
This one is a bit sappy, but it is something I truly want to see my mom achieve, before it kills her. Ever since I was a little girl, I would do everything I could think of to get her to quit. I’d hide her smokes, change her screen saver to quit smoking tips and hold grudges against her for smoking. I was kind of mean about it, but I was doing it out of love. She did make great progress once before, but gave up too soon and hasn’t tried since. I understand that it is an addiction that I don’t fully understand, but want to get her to quit so we have her around longer.
3. Run A Marathon
A color run is at the top of the marathon list, but I will start with a half marathon first. Marathon’s look fun yet painful at the same time, but I am passionate about my health and want to try at least one before I die.
4. Foster Dogs
I have a very special place in my heart for dogs. As a child, my home was full of pets. We had five dogs. I know I need my life to include animals, especially dogs. That’s why I want to be a foster mom to those in the military during deployment.
5. Live At A Beach
Even if its temporary, I want to live at the beach. The atmosphere is amazing. I can only image the night life and great people I’d meet.
6. Sky Dive
I’ve had a dream of skydiving since I was a little kid. I have no clue how I became interested in the idea; I’ve never even been on a plane. I used to always say I’d do it for my 18th birthday but when the time came, there were other things I had in mind. I also want someone to do it with so I’ve been trying to convince a few. I think I’ve just about turned them. I even know where I want to try my first tandem skydive, Above the Poconos Skydivers. I see this happening in my near future, I can almost feel the wind through my hair.
7. Purchase A Home
Owning a home, to me, is one of the ways I will know I’m living. It may not be until later in life, maybe I’ll travel the globe or somethings, But I just want to have a place to go home to that I really mine. I get to decorate it just the way I want and open the doors to anyone I care about.
8. Go On A Sandals Resort Trip
This is what far away paradise looks like to me! If I ever get married, I’d love to honeymoon with Sandals Resorts. I may never leave. St Lucia, the Bahamas, Barbados, I can’t even.
9. Go On A Safari Trip
Who doesn’t want to do this. I love a good thrill and love animals. Being able to see up close, what beautiful animals roam this world would be amazing. I’d love to get some great pictures of them while I’m at it.
10. Set Up A Safe Place For Kids
There are children out there who don’t feel safe in their environment but don’t know where to turn. I want to have an open door policy for those kids. I want to be able to create a chain of families and homes who offer a safe haven. Like a prayer chain, but a safe house chain.
11. Fly
As long as I do the other things on this list, flying shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll be able to kill two birds with one stone. Fly to skydive, fly to get to Africa, fly to get to a Sandals Resort. It's a bit silly, but I feel like I'm the only one in the world who hasn't flown on a plane yet!