While college may be some of the best days of our lives, there truly is no place like home. The stress of papers, midterms, jobs, and roommates can make us long for the familiar faces of our family. With less than two months left before summer (and for some, graduation!), it’s easy to see Spring Break as a time to “turn off,” and forget to turn back on! However, we need to remember that this break is a time for rest and relaxation—a chance to rejuvenate before the last push of the semester. But relaxing isn’t all that it’s about… Here are 11 things college students do during Spring Break.
1. Reunite with family
There is nothing quite like walking in your home after months of being away. Plopping down on the couch, grabbing a snack, and hanging out with your family… Ah, home.
2. Reunite with FRIENDS!
Nothing can ever compare to seeing your best friend in months. Will people think you’re crazy for running towards each other in public like a scene in a cheesy rom-com? Probably. Do either of you care? Absolutely not.
3. Eat that home cookin’
Two months of eating from the school’s dining hall does things to a person. The remedy: a home cooked meal. This is probably the thing most college students look forward to the most. Ramen will just never compare.
5. Just kidding.
Let’s be honest. Maybe there’s some people that party their whole Spring Break, but most people are just looking forward to some good, uninterrupted chill time without obnoxiously loud roommates making a racket. All-nighters spent writing papers and studying for tests just make a person want to sleep for a week straight, am I right?
6. Revel in having no homework.
7. Take all of the naps.
In fact, maybe not even get out of bed for a whole day. Or week. You do you.
8. Spend some quality time with your pets.
You’ve gotta catch them up with all that’s been going on in your life and make up for all the lost cuddle time.
9. Stay in your pajamas ALL day!
The best part about not leaving your house: not wearing real pants.
10. And while you’re in those pajamas… watch Netflix all day.
First day of break: Start a new series on Netflix. Last day of break: Woops, finished it. How’d that happen?
11. Come to the realization that soon you’ll have to go back to school.
It’ll probably be hard to leave, but just remember: the end is in sight! Once you get back you’ll realize that you did actually miss your school family. Hopefully this week of vegging out and watching Netflix got you ready to finish strong!