It's time. One of the most highly anticipated moments of second semester is finally here.
People are soaking in the sun down in Florida, sipping on frozen tropical drinks with fun umbrella toothpicks in Cancun or exploring up and down the coast of California. Me? I'm back home in New Jersey pretending I'm doing all of these things. And I may or may not be living through different Snapchat stories and Instagram post as I look out to the dry yellow grass and bare oak trees in my backyard.
But don't get down, friends. I'm here to tell you how you can make your spring break at home awesome.
1. Catch up on those Zs
It's not a secret that college kids follow a weird sleep schedule. So while you are home in the comfort of your own queen sized bed try to
A. Get to be at a reasonable hour (if possible)
B. Sleep in forever until the end of time
C. Nap throughout the day
D. All the above
2. Get some fresh air
Don't get me wrong, I love sleep just as much as the next person. Some days it is nice to just lay in bed all day to catch up on the new season of "Grey's Anatomy" you started at school instead of preparing for midterms. But when it's the second week of March and it's over 70 degrees outside in New Jersey, how can you not spend every minute outside?
3. Do something for yourself
Everyone loves spoiling or pampering themselves just a little, right? This spring break, go get a mani/pedi, maybe change up your hairstyle or go on a shopping spree! It's your time off from school. It's a mini vacation. Do a little something for yourself!
4. Plan a day trip somewhere
Hop in the car or catch a train with some friends and get out of your hometown for 24 hours. Or for however long you would like! A change of scenery is good for the soul. It's almost like a mini vacation. Maybe you have no idea where you are heading until you put the key in the ignition of your car! Sometimes, no exact plan is the best plan.
5. Ration out your homework and other assignments
Ten days sounds like a lot of time to get all of that homework done your professors assigned you. The days fly by, and you don't want to be saving all of your weeks worth of work for the day before. From one procrastinator to the other, trust me on this one.
6. Act like a human again
I go to school in a city with a lot of public transportation and not many cars. I know many freshmen in college are either not allowed to have cars on campus or the college/university highly recommends the freshmen to keep their cars at home for their first year. I also don't have easy access to many ovens or stove tops that work as well as the ones in my very own kitchen. So gain some sense of humanity back and drive around with the windows down playing your favorite music. Bake some cookies or cook up a stellar meal.
7. Spend time with others
Go mix and a-mingle with friends and family that you haven't seen! Ask them how they are doing over a cup of coffee. Go see the new chick flick that just came out with your closest girlfriends. After spring break, it may be a few more weeks or months until you get to see them again.
8. Take time to yourself
Spending time with others is super important. But taking time to yourself is just as important. Spring break means getting away from that double you live in on campus. And I love my roommate (hi Jess!), but there is something nice about having a bedroom to yourself at home. It's like your own little private get-away. It is nice to put others before yourself. But remember you are important too.
So sit back, relax, and spring break can be enjoyable from your very own home!