10 Strange Words Trump Supporters Use To Describe Liberals
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10 Strange Words Trump Supporters Use To Describe Liberals

None of them make sense.

10 Strange Words Trump Supporters Use To Describe Liberals
Business Insider

Much of the behavior displayed by Trump supporters unsettles me, their language when addressing Liberals being the least of my concerns. The far left and right are both guilty of taking name calling too far. And yet, seeing my social media feed littered with terms used to specifically demean Liberals enticed me to think a bit more deeply behind the origin of each slander. I limited the list to terms used by Trump supporters to describe the political beliefs of Liberals. The following is my thought process behind each intended insult that finds it’s way (usually in all caps) onto my screen.

1. "Libtard"

The term libtard combines the word “liberal” with “retarded.” If libtard used the original definition of the term “retarded,” it would mean liberals are less advanced in mental development and cognitive comprehension. Instead, libtard uses the offensive slang meaning of “retarded” to imply that liberals are stupid.

The name seems to have as much relevance as a toddler calling someone they are upset with a “poo poo head”; it’s cruel, but was not created with a significant purpose in mind. Furthermore, it demeans an entire group of people with a mental disability. Nice.

2. "Feminazi"

The first and second waves of feminism granted women the right to vote and emphasized workplace and reproductive rights for women. Today, feminists continue to fight for social, political, and economic equality amongst genders. Through feminism, the roles of masculinity and femininity are often challenged. They have also made a recent effort to be intersectional, considering the voice of people of color, the LGBTQ community, and various economic classes.

The term, feminazi is often used to demean a woman who vocally/actively challenges the social norms of society through her attire, sexuality, occupation, political beliefs, or lifestyle choices. It is often used by those that inaccurately believe that feminism is equivalent to the theory of female supremacy. (*Note: Women who believe themselves to be better/further entitled than the opposite sex have often wrongly taken the term “feminist” for themselves, causing all women who describe themselves as feminists to share the name feminazi.)

Some words synonymously used to describe feminists include (but are not limited to): ugly, man-hater, slut, cat lady, psycho, bitter, angry bitch, and the oh so lovely baby-killer.

I'm still trying to figure out why my desire to be as respected in society as the opposite sex can be wrongfully paired with women who angrily wish to rip out men’s genitals.

3. "Baby-Killers"

Sister Joan Chittister, center, with Native women in Chiapas, Mexico, in 1998

Not to be confused with the term used to degrade soldiers who returned from the Vietnam War, the term, in this case, references the pro-life belief that life begins at conception. As a result, all that identify as pro-choice are labeled (quite literally) as murderers. Although the term includes both men and women who support abortion, it is almost always aimed at women.

Accusing someone of murdering their baby and then doing absolutely nothing to help families that actually choose to keep their children would be as hypocritical as forcing someone to stand for the national anthem in order to respect US troops and then personally doing nothing to help veterans receive jobs or mental/physical rehabilitation when they return from war.

As Sister Joan Chittister, an outspoken advocate for justice and peace once said, "Your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth." (*Side note: I speak against guilting mothers as a female that identifies as a feminist and pro-life.)

4. "Hypocrite"

The left has been called hypocritical many times for only highlighting problems x, y, and z, but never mentioning [insert random situation reported by Fox news that supports the right’s beliefs here].

Let's just say both sides can play that game...

5. "Entitled"

The term implies that liberals:

Want everything handed to them for free

Cannot handle hardships that others have experienced

Are ungrateful for the privileges that are already bestowed upon them

All I can say is, our current president was elected because many citizens with their own set of inherited privileges decided to put their own best interests above that of the rest of the nation in order to gain a sense of comfort they have lost. But I’m the entitled one…

6. "Whiny"

This refers to liberals never being satisfied with negotiation on basic rights for humans, animals, the earth, etc.

I’m asking for some respect from other human beings, not complaining about extra mayo on my burger at a drive-thru.

7. "Anti-Christian"

For a group that constantly argues that "All Lives Matter," they sure do seem to have an issue with inclusivity when it takes attention away from themselves (which if you think about it, is the whole point behind All Lives Matter... and everything else on this list). The term derives from the liberal belief that there should be a separation between church and state. This belief leads to the misconception that liberals do not support Christian values, and do not want them involved in government decisions.

On the contrary, having ONLY Christian values involved in politics provides a very narrow and limiting perception of the diversity of the country and the individuals that reside in it.

8. "Sore Loser"

The name implies that the lasting effects of the current presidency are as trivial as a football game and can simply be forgotten. The term also neglects to acknowledge that many individuals do not have the choice to simply move on.

I’m getting some eery Suzanne Collins vibes right about now…

9. "Communist"

A person who believes that power should be equally shared by everyone. The term has recently been given to Liberals, meant to critique a minor piece of their ideology that believes that the community’s responsibilities are the individual’s responsibilities.

The belief that the two ideologies are synonymous is flawed because:

Liberalism believes in individual freedom, unlike Communism, where the power is shared by everyone (a class- less system).

Liberalism believes in a free market, unlike Communism, which believes the community should share and control production and profit.

Liberalism holds a base to individual responsibilities and contributing responsibility to the community. Communism believes solely in community responsibility.

Liberalism places the rights of the individual first, while communism places the well-being of the community first.

10. "Snowflake"

Also known as “Special Snowflake” or “Precious Snowflake.” Originally targeting Millenials, the term digs at individuals who seem to believe themselves of a higher importance, were too coddled as children to face the realities of adult life. The term has gone on to further encompass an individual of any age who is considered overly sensitive and unwilling to hear differing points of view.

Ironically, the term is commonly hurled immediately after someone with a conservative point of view hears anything they even minutely disagree with.

Both definitions (save for the targeted millennial origin) seem to accurately describe one current “politician” quite nicely.

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