10 Tips To Getting Through Finals With Depression
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10 Tips To Getting Through Finals With Depression

Even though you have this internal battle going on in your mind, you can get through these last few weeks of school. It may be hard but you can do it.

10 Tips To Getting Through Finals With Depression
Doorways LLC

Depression can be a tough thing to deal with while being in school. Stress really takes a toll on you in different ways than your peers, and you still want to succeed just as much as anyone else. So here are some ways I have found while being in college that help me study and stay on track during this stressful time of the year.

1. Stay connected with your friends.

They will pick you up when you're feeling down and know how to distract you from being upset. They are usually only a text, call, or Facetime away. Even if they know about how you're struggling or not, a pajama party or a partner to the gym may be what you need to be distracted from your stress. Alone time may seem nice at the time, but it can also put you in a rut that your friends can help pull you out of.

2. Confide in a school counselor, professor or advisor.

This point is super important in order to keep your mental health in line. Asking for help doesn't make you crazy, it makes you human. These people are here to help you through these rough times and are unbiased in all aspects of your life. Even when it seems like your struggles are not important, are a part of everyday life, or not as bad as other people's that does not mean that they are not struggles for you. How hard or impossible a task may seem is relative to the person. So talking to someone about your day, about a class or assignment, or about what is bothering you on a more personal level is healthy. Especially if you have free counseling on campus. Use the resources you have. No one will judge you, and if they do then their opinions obviously do not matter to you. It's your health that matters, not what Betty in your Algebra thinks about you expressing your stress to someone.

3. Stay active if possible.

If you do not have time to workout between study sessions, then make some. You should take breaks within your study sessions so you do not fry your brain for the actual exams. Do some sit ups, squats, or simple small weight exercises during your breaks to get a natural boost of energy and endorphin's running through your body for the next part of studying. Forcing myself to do a morning workout has worked wonders for me. It makes me get up, gives me energy, and gives me a boost of confidence for the rest of the day which keeps me going. You could even workout with a friend, or alone as added alone time. Reward yourself with a delicious candy bar or a bowl of popcorn and an episode of that Netflix show you're addicted to for the moment. Whatever it takes to get you moving, do it.

4. Stay overly organized and focused when need be.

If you do not have an assignment notebook, you need to get one. It never worked for me in high school, but in college it has worked wonders. With different classes every day, multiple jobs, internships, bigger projects and papers, study sessions, and so many other commitments it is more than helpful. Leave yourself sticky notes of things to do or your shopping lists for the week. I love color coding my classes and importance of assignments, it is my weakness. Use a white board to schedule all of your due dates. Plus, a clean room and study space makes you feel more productive. Find your niche and it will take away so much unnecessary stress in your life. College is the time to test everything that works for you in your adult life. Utilize it!

5. Sleep.

I know everyone says this one, but you need to get a lot of sleep. Nap if need be. It helps regenerate you, make you more positive in the mornings and the rest of the day, and helps you stay focused longer. See if a caffeine nap works as well if you need to study. Drink a caffeinated beverage and take a 20 minute nap to wait for it to kick in, but also getting a boost from the sleep your body needs. Although, do not sleep too much because that can lead to you not wanting to get out of bed. So always find a reason to get up everyday before you go to bed. Call or text someone you care about in the morning for motivation. Listen to music that makes you happy. Set yourself up for a great day and do not allow yourself to fall into the rut your body and mind wants to go into.

6. Breathe and Relax.

Stretch. Have some alone time and schedule it for yourself everyday. Meditate. Stay positive. Just know that you will work as hard as you possible can until the end of the semester and the stress will be gone sooner than you think. Do not over think what is going on. It may be hard to think so, but whatever happens will happen for the best. Treat yourself to a long shower, bubble bath, a glass of wine, or even your favorite snack. Give yourself time away from the stress and forget about it for a bit. Although, if you feel stuck in a rut after a while call someone and ask them to join you for a movie night.

7. Buy healthier study snacks and drinks.

It is so easy to crack open that bag of Bugles and pack of Double Stuffed Oreos and go to town on them while on your 16th page of that 20 something page paper that is due tomorrow at 8 a.m. Although, if you by healthier snacks that you enjoy and stash those in your room instead of the junkier food options then you can be doing your brain, stomach, and the rest of your body a favor. Make that freshman fifteen wait another year to creep up on you. It is easy to eat away your stress, but do it on some Veggie Straws or grapes with some infused water instead of calling Pizza Hut for the fourth night this week.

8. Vary your study spaces.

When you do study go somewhere you're comfortable with being, but somewhere you know you will get things done. I have tried to study in my room so many times and no matter how much I try to convince myself that it will work, it never does. So try out a few different places for different subjects you want to study. A coffee shop, a common area, an outside area, and the library are good options.

9. Don't study all the time.

Do not spend all of your time studying. You will drive yourself crazy. Take breaks. Using some of the previous points like exercising, relaxing, watching an episode of a TV show, nap, or making yourself some healthy snacks will let your brain rest. It needs it. You need it. You will run on nothing, sleep in during all of your classes, and put yourself in a place that is truly hard to get out of. Let your brain rest when you can. It's called mental health for a reason.

10. It's okay if you can't do it.

I am definitely a perfectionist and want to have everything I do be my best work. Although, sometimes I just can't get up out of bed. Sometimes my mind tells itself I am not good enough. That there's no reason to get up. That staying in bed is the best option. That skipping this meal and that quiz is okay. Letting yourself miss a class or two is fine as long as you are on top of your work, are able to makeup the work, and communicate with your professor and someone you trust. Talking to the professor at the beginning of the semester about your depression may be a good option for some, and talking to them after a few absences may be a good alternative for other students. Making sure that you are talking to a counselor, a family member, or a trusted friend is just as important. Having someone help you when you feel stuck is okay. Have a few sleep in days. Just make sure that you use some of these tips and talk to someone about how to get back on track and on top of what you miss.

Remember, you're not broken. You're not crazy. Just because you have some negative thoughts about you or your life does not mean you're a nut job. I promise. I've had these thoughts as well. It just means that you're strong. That even though you have all of this going on in your head and you are still able to push past it and succeed, is absolutely amazing. Everyone has their crutches, and this is just one you will have to live your life with or even overcome. Stressful times add to it, so just make sure you're on top of it because you can be worse off than some of your other class mates during finals week. You can do this. I believe in you.

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