10 Things I Learned From My Freshman Year Of College
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10 Things I Learned From My Freshman Year Of College

These are some of the most important lessons I have taken away from my time at college.

10 Things I Learned From My Freshman Year Of College

As a senior in college, I can now respectfully thank my freshman year for teaching me these 10 important lessons. I have grown as an individual and student from learning from these common mistakes that most college students make. If you can, avoid them. Enjoy this quick and shortened version of how to survive college.

1. Don't Make Impulsive Decisions

When meeting a cute guy at the bar, it is hard to pass up the opportunity to go to his apartment. But, this cannot be done alone, this is a group effort. During my freshman year, my friends and I walked to this "stranger's" apartment in the middle of the night to party. We didn't have our guards up and anything could have happened. If this "stranger" was a serial killer, we wouldn't have known. We were too concerned with looking pretty and drinking fruity drinks. My advice is, think before you act, even if there are free drinks.

2. It Is Unhealthy To Make Your Dinner Time At 10 P.M.

In college, it is difficult to learn how to manage your time. A student's day is consumed with classes, clubs, and having mental breakdowns and sometimes you forget to eat! But when you come around to finally sitting down and eating dinner, you realize it is 10 P.M. as you inhale the greasy Dominoes pizza or the chicken flavored Ramen Noodles. Grease and garbage essentially become a main food group and it is no wonder the "freshman 15" finds its way to you.

3. Skipping Class Does Not Benefit You In The Long Run

Of course I have skipped class to lounge in the sun on the Quad or to sleep in on a dark and rainy day, but the more I skipped class and the more work I had piling up, the more likely it was for me to cry due to stress. I created extra work for myself by skipping classes to have a good time. My advice is, don't skip class. As much as you dread sitting in a classroom for two hours, think of the anxiety you are saving yourself when you don't have to teach yourself the lesson on microbiology you missed.

4. Don't Designate One Night To Your Studies

There are seven days in a week, seven days to complete various assignments so as the week goes on, the less work you have to do. Personally, my friends and I used to designate one night to completing all of our work for the week, so we had more time to fool around and watch television as the week went on. Shortly after we realized this was not the way to go about achieving excellent grades, so please don't follow in our footsteps. Give yourself enough time to complete an assignment without stressing yourself out.

5. Don't Make Your Normal Bedtime 2 A.M.

As a freshman, you are hyped every day for college. There is nothing better than rooming with friends and constantly having fun. But sometimes, there is such a thing as having too much fun. You let the night slip away by watching Netflix and making funny videos (because no one actually did their homework), that by the time you look at the clock, it's only a few hours until the sun rises. Your body adapted to being a night owl and when you physically felt exhausted, but your brain wouldn't shut off, you ended up looking like Anna below

6. Just Because You Drink Alcohol Does Not Mean You Drink Responsibly

Underage drinking is bad in itself, but pretending to know everything about alcohol makes it worse. Freshmen act like hot shots and are always in competition with one another to see who can take the most shots. Don't subject yourself to a night with your head in the toilet to make yourself look good. Chances are, you won't really learn your limits until you are actually legally allowed to drink. That's what happened to my friend group, and now we aren't the party animals we used to be. If you plan to drink, which many students do in college, please be safe and don't overdo it.

7. Netflix Is Not Top Priority

During finals week while my friends and I were sick, we binged watched all seven seasons of Sons of Anarchy, impressive right? We chose to watch the devilishly handsome Charlie Hunnam instead of studying for our tests. Luckily, we all passed with acceptable grades, but we know we could have done better. Whenever you tell yourself, "only one more episode," just remember that one turns into seven.

8. Don't Sneak Friends From Home On Campus

I know the registration process is annoying with all the paper work and signatures required, but don't chance getting your friend kicked off campus like my group of friends did. We were the definition of lazy and did not want to take the proper steps in registering our guest. Long story short, he was caught climbing through our window and then was asked to go home. Moral of this lesson, don't be lazy.

9. Join Clubs

Usually freshman year is used to adapt into the groove of becoming familiar with college work and finding your group of friends. It is also encouraged by upperclassmen and faculty to join a club. I thought being a member of a club would be too much with my workload and super popular social life. I regret not joining any clubs until sophomore year. Now as a senior, people know my name and the club I help run. Don't be afraid to try new things and get your name out there. Let people know who you are!

10. Not All Of Your Friends Are True Friends

Friends come and go like the seasons, so don't be discouraged if you lose a friend or two throughout your journey of college. It's okay that you can't please everyone, so when you have a falling out with someone, cherish the good times and keep moving forward. A person can't be friends with everyone and everything happens for a reason. I was fortunate enough to find my "sisters" our freshman year and now four years later we are closer than ever. Hold onto the good people in your life and have faith that you will find your true "squad."

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