You look in the mirror and start to realize the stress from college and work is slowly (actually quickly) ruining your physique. You're horrified while picturing yourself in a bathing suit, and with summer rolling around, it's important to know what's true and what's not when it comes to fitness. Here are some of the top ten classic fitness myths for those who decide to shed a few pounds or choose to live a healthy lifestyle:
1. Doing crunches and ab workouts will get rid of belly fat.
Many people hit the mat and expect to lose tummy fat by doing a million crunches. However, this is not an effective method even though you will feel your muscles burning afterwards. Crunches may tone those muscles but it will not shed fat in that area. Try a variety of other workouts to target your abdominals, and don't forget cardio and resistance training!
2. Drinking water can help you lose weight.
Although drinking a lot of water contains many benefits, not necessarily for weight loss. It is important that your body has fluids, but unfortunately it's not the key to melting off pounds.
3. Stretching decreases risk of injury.
Yes, stretching may be beneficiary after a workout, however not before the workout. It stretches out your muscles and if anything will decrease performance when it comes to decreasing your running time.
4. Pasta is the ultimate pre-workout meal.
Not always true. "Carb Loading" is something athletes do in order to produce glycogen. However, it is only effective for workouts that are 90 minutes or longer. It is better to do this while training instead of before a big race or game.
5. As long as you exercise you can eat anything you want.
Well wouldn't that just be the luxury, huh? Not saying that you have to eat healthy 24/7, in fact it is normal and healthy to have cheat days, but if you're going to workout you need to have a healthy intake for it to be effective.
6. Less food intake = larger weight loss.
No no no! Too many people think that the less they eat the easier they will lose weight. Sure, watch your portion sizes, but to lose weight healthy and quickly you should eat three meals a day incorporating each food group.
7. If you don't sweat, you're not working.
Not true! Many people believe that if they didn't sweat they really didn't do much. You sweat simply works as a tool to cool down your body when it needs it. If you're working out in a freezing room it's okay if you didn't produce buckets of sweat! This does not mean you got less of a workout than if you would've been burning up in a hot room.
8. Fat can be spot-reduced.
People love to believe that they can target certain spots only. However, if you lose weight you lose weight everywhere. Sorry ladies; if you're slimming down your waist chances are you're getting a smaller butt along with it.
9. Soreness lets me know I worked hard enough
Don't seek soreness. It can come from many different factors that have nothing to do with the quality of your workout, such as how many reps you perform or what you eat before and after your workouts.
10. Guzzling water prevents cramps
According to several studies, water and electrolytes have little to do with muscles seizing up. Definitely don't drink a bunch of water before a workout; that may even lead to nausea.
If one is choosing to finally crack down and get fit, it is also important to remember that not many people fit the ideal body image... and that's okay. Remembering these myths and tips may help you shed pounds in a healthy manner. Aim to be a better version of you, not an unrealistic body image!