10 Animals That Make Your Sex Life Look Normal
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10 Animals That Make Your Sex Life Look Normal

Because it's nice to have some reassurance every once and a while.

10 Animals That Make Your Sex Life Look Normal
San Diego Zoo

All of us like to think we know what sex is. I mean, human sex is pretty self-explanatory as far as where everything goes. And it's normally preceded by some kind of awkward attempt at flirting. But when you look at how other animals have sex, humans are actually not very adventurous! Here are some animals that will make you think that your sex life is normal:

1. Bedbugs

Females can actually store the sperm of multiple males and somehow decide which ones will fertilize her eggs! Can you imagine if humans were able to do that?

2. Fruit fly

Male sperm contains toxic chemicals that kill the sperm of rival males. Both sexes are highly promiscuous.

3. Banana slug

Banana slugs are hermaphroditic and can self-fertilize if they can't find a mate! But if they have a mate, they simultaneously impregnate each other. But they must find a mate of equal size or their penis can get stuck and their partner will chew it off (as demonstrated above)!

4. Quoll

Quolls are a native marsupial to Australia, New Guinea, and Tasmania. Females go into heat at the same time, causing a breeding frenzy, and males will grab as many mates as possible by the neck and drag them off! They are violent and ruthless and many females have been killed while mating!

5. Phantom Anglerfish

The male anglerfish is so tiny that it doesn't even have a digestive system! He's basically a floating pair of gonads. So when a male finds a female, his best strategy is to fuse his tissues with hers and become a permanent parasite. Yep, that's him attached to her underbelly!

6. Uakari Monkey

The males have very little fat on their head, so their bald head looks like a bright red skull. The intensity of the redness is thought to be a sign of male health. So the redder the head, the more attractive the females find him.

7. Surinam Toad

This one legitimately gives me the jeebies. Their flat bodies mimic flat brown dead leaves, they have tiny eyes and have no teeth and no tongue. The female releases eggs that get embedded into her back. She sheds the "skin" after "birth" and grows a new one for the new breeding season.

8. Dayak fruit bat

Females perform fellatio (look it up) to increase copulation time, making them the only non-primate to do so. They are also the only mammal known to demonstrate paternal lactation, so both parents are able to breastfeed their offspring!

9. North American Porcupine

Females are only sexually receptive for 8-12 hours out of the year! Males court the female by dancing on hind legs (as demonstrated above), moving towards her and soaking her from head to toe with urine. If she likes it, they mate; if she doesn't, she screams and runs away.

10. Sagebrush cricket

Females prefer to mate with virgin males, which are identified by intact short hind wings. These wings are not for flying but serve as a meal for females during mating. This developed because so many females were actually eating the males during sex!
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