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You're a Big Kid Now

Ten Things Everyone Should Know Before Leaving for College

You're a Big Kid Now

One of the biggest necessary evils in my life has always been laundry. I hate the waiting and having to bend down into the washing machine and how I can't forget about the load or it will spoil. In saying this, until a few months ago, I never understood why my parents made me do my own laundry. I mean, they have to wash their clothes, can't they do mine? As I get closer and closer to my freshman year of college, I am thankful for their tough love. In thinking about this, I compiled a list of the top 10 chores I think all kids should know how to do before they leave for college.

1. The Laundry

Dorms get stinky sometimes and that's just how it is. Adding the stench of unwashed clothes is cruel and unusual punishment for everyone. Laundry is vital. With detergent now put into convenient pods, dryer sheets, and in most schools, not having to search for quarters, laundry is made easier than ever.

2. Ironing and Steaming

It's the day of that special event and you have to bring out that nice shirt you have that's been sitting in the back of your drawer. You're in trouble when you pull out the shirt. It resembles a raisin more than a nice shirt. Learning how to steam or iron clothes is vital for keeping up appearances. Personally, I think steamers are perfect for a dorm room as they are compact and don't require a giant ironing board.

3. Basic Sewing

Sewing is hard; little stitches, straight line, gross. Learning how to mend small tears and to sew buttons back on may come in handy when you lest expect it. It may save the life of your favorite clothes and jackets.

4. How to Change a Tire

Knowing how to change a tire, or at least having the tools to do so in your car could possibly save your life. Your tire can pop on the highway headed home or in a scene from a horror movie and it's important to be able to take care of yourself despite the situation.

5. Budget

Taking a personal finance class may not be the most exciting thing, but it is a class that will help you everyday of your life. If you don't watch how much money is going out to McDonald's breakfasts, your digestive system and bank account are bound to start hurting. Without budgeting, you could land yourself in a big hole without even realizing it.

6. Communicate with Others

As a college student, you are an adult and you unfortunately have to act like one. If you are not able to speak to others, you are bound to feel the effects. Communication extends from making appointments to asking teachers or teacher's assistants for help. Any way you can think, any college student needs to be able to conduct themselves in a calm, relaxed manner when speaking with others.

7. Take Informative Notes

Teachers are no longer going to print out notes with pictures and spoon feed the information to their students. If you are unable to take informative notes and really learn the information, odds are that you will be "uninvited" from any college. You're on your own, but you are there to learn and have to keep focused.

8. Use an Oven and Stove

Most of the usages of an oven and a stove are based on just reading directions. Look at the box of Pizza Bagels or Mac 'n Cheese and follow the steps. If as a student you don't know how to read and follow the box, as well as minding the hot surfaces, microwave ramen noodles better be an absolute favorite.

9. Self-Regulate a Bedtime

It's every kid's dream to stay up all night and not have their parents tell them that it's bed time, but as you get older, you feel the effects of missing sleep a few nights. Just because there are no adults telling you to go to your room, doesn't mean that you shouldn't set your own bedtime.

10. Ask For Help

This is the toughest thing for anyone. The most important thing in college is learning how to recognize when you need help and how to ask. Though you may not want to, swallowing pride, apprehension, fear, whatever you're feeling and help make it easier.

As a kid, I never understood chores. As a brand new adult who is responsible for themselves, I could not be more thankful for the tough love my parents showed me by teaching me how to take care of myself. These ten things are, in my opinion, the most important things to know before you take off on your own.

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