It seems people now are always looking for the quickest way to achieve a goal, gain a want, or benefit from a newly practiced routine. Everyone’s in a rush to get to where they think they want to be whether it’s gym goals or an actual physical destination they wish to reach. There are articles about how to get a toned body in a certain amount of “easy” steps a week, articles about the quickest way to make money, articles about the quickest way to lose weight or grow your hair longer or whatever else it is you might want to do but not spend a lot of time on.
As much as I sympathize with the idea of not wanting to spend countless hours on certain things we may want but don’t want to put the time and effort into…it really isn’t worth it without the will and energy put into it for an extended period of time. The hard work and dedication is what makes the outcome so rewarding and pleasing. Even if it’s something you’re not thrilled about at first, you will grow to at least somewhat like doing it or why else would you be doing it in the first place?
As tempting as it may be to read an article about how quick you can do something, try and remember that great change comes with time and persistence. In a world where everything is constantly changing so fast around us every moment it can be hard to recollect your thoughts and stay loyal to the “old-fashioned” way of simply trying and trying and trying again until you get to where you want to be. All great and meaningful change is an end result of consistent commitment and time.