The recent attacks on Germany, Turkey, and Coptic Orthodox Churches shows that we have a growing problem. Radical Islamic extremism is destroying the Middle East, and what is happening to children in Yemen is a disgrace. Lots of countries have become war zones in the Middle East due to disagreements on religion, peace, and land. Right now we are seeing almost a genocide going on. Even people in Nigeria and other countries in Africa, like Eritrea are facing threats from the government or from tribes such as Boko Haram. Even since the Armenian genocide less than 100 years ago, people are still facing genocide in the Middle East. Children and minority religious groups such as Chaldeans, Copts, Yazidi, and Eritrean Christians have it the worst.
<span id="selection-marker-1" class="redactor-selection-marker" data-verified="redactor"></span>It isn't the Middle East that is being affected by this violence. Utilitarian and Nihilistic Communist philosophy in North Korea are causing a massive genocide as well. Slightly over a million people died as political prisoners, in less than two decades. This following some of the biggest genocides of the 20s centuries related to communist dictatorship. Places like North Korea or communist Laos have some of the most obvious and worst political propaganda seen. They own the media and use it to portray themselves as if they were some deity status to the people they are oppressing. We can also not forget the extreme censorship, surveillance, and human rights violations that go on.