Let me preface this with I really hate going to the gym. In general, I think it's just a miserable place to be. That coupled with social anxiety though makes for a horrible experience. You have to pick times based off of when you think fewer people will be there, you have to do different machines than you intended if people keep hogging them, then you might even have the pleasure (sarcasm) of running into somebody who you know will hardcore judge you as your makeup is mid slide down your face from the buckets of sweat you've just produced; seriously, it's a swell time. Plus if you're me, sometimes you skip out on a rep or two at the end of your sets.
The solution to your gym woes? A "swolemate!" Yes, the term is overused and truly comedic at this point, however, there is truth in the buddy system of "gyming." Let's cover some key terms before really diving into the science behind this concept. For starters, "gyming," a word coined by my beloved swolemate, Sophia, is simply the action of going to the gym. A "swolemate" is a friend, buddy, sibling, spouse, or whoever who accompanies you whilst gyming or getting "swole/swoll." "Swole/swoll" can be defined as building muscle in the gym. Think along the lines of your muscles getting swollen or bigger.
Now that our vocabulary has been established, let's delve into the meat of it all! The following reasons are why swolemates are the best mates...
1. Their presence alone cures any social anxiety you may have around going to the gym.
2. They push you to finish those last few reps.
3. You have a guaranteed spotter!
4. Depending on the gym's facilities, you can have a solid vent session. Sophia and I often times play racquetball which doubly serves as cardio and venting about our days.
5. They've seen you covered in sweat with smeared makeup... That's when you know it's love!
6. Similar to reason two, they hold you accountable. You're less likely to bail on the gym when you know you've made plans with your swolemate.
7. If you're like Sophia and me, you can take funny Snapchats of each other and other people at the gym.
8. You've opened up an entire new treasure chest chock full of two-person exercises!You can try new exercises together which will inevitably end in laughing. It's a great way to release more endorphins/ happy hormones which will have you feeling great by the end of the workout!
9. You have the ability to compete with another (willing) person which allows you to push yourself farther.
10. Personal trainers are expensive! Yes, they can provide workouts. But your swolemate is a cheap way to be encouraged every step of the way!