For half of my college career, I've had a roommate. For the other half, I've been lucky enough to have a substantially sized room all to myself. I will admit, not having to share a room is nirvana, but there are so many reasons as to why I think life is actually better with a roommate.
1. You have a "go-to" partner in crime
We all know how lonely it is to eat alone, so we order food to go, or just call up Postmates. When you have a roommate, you automatically have a friend to go get food with you when you're hungry! This works for multiple occasions such as motivation to go out on the weekends, exercise, or have a shopping buddy! Just wait for all the adventures you'll have!
2. You have someone to come home to
After an exciting day, or even after a frustrating one, it's always nice to have someone to greet you when you get back and truly make you feel at home. You can tell them all about the crazy night you had, or even just vent about something about school or work! Plus, it's just never fun coming home to an empty house.
3. No need for an emergency help button or reenactment of "Home Alone"
Although I've enjoyed my fair share of horror movies, (maybe too many) I can't help thinking the worst when I end up home alone. For some strange reason, I'm on high alert and think that the one night I'm alone will be the last night anyone hears from me again.
And sometimes I think to myself, "If I fall and hit my head, how long will it take someone to find my body?" When there're more people that live in your house, the better chance of someone would hear or find you if you fell in the shower! No need for a senior citizen help button when you have roommates that can help you out in your time of need!
4. Double the stuff
Hopefully, you have a flexible roommate agreement, where you're able to borrow each other's things. Need an outfit for tonight but tired of your own closet? Just take a look at the one next to yours! This also goes for shoes, makeup,kitchen supplies, and even Netflix if you're lucky.
5. The endless laughter and memories to last a lifetime
If you're lucky enough to have a great relationship with your roommate,I guarantee you will catch each other at your craziest and have plenty of inside jokes and stories to tell! Nothing's better than living with your best friend (or even just a good one) and being able to share everything with each other! You may have your ups and downs, but in the end, you're pretty much stuck with them anyway! ;)
For my senior year, I had the option to keep my same single room. However, I chose to live with some girls in my sorority. And yes, this means I will no longer have a room all to myself. I will be cramming a whole room full of stuff into a shared room of about the same size. It may be an interesting change, but I can't wait!