Why Hillary Lost The To Donald Trump Part 1: The Primaries
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Why Hillary Lost The To Donald Trump Part 1: The Primaries

I want to start off by saying, Hillary Clinton ran the worst campaign in American presidential history. It was so bad that I feel it is necessary that I had to do two parts to this.

Why Hillary Lost The To Donald Trump Part 1: The Primaries

I want to start off by saying, Hillary Clinton ran the worst campaign in American presidential history. It was so bad that I feel it is necessary that I had to do two parts to this. In this article, I’m going to focus on the primaries. The next article I will focus on what she did wrong during the general election.

She Had No Message:

I am writing this on November 12, 2016. As of right now, I still cannot figure out what Hillary Clinton’s message was supposed to be. It’s very easy to figure out what Bernie Sanders’ message was. Bernie Sanders wanted to get money out of politics. He knows corporate money is the biggest corruptor of politicians and it’s the reason politicians serves corporations rather than their constituents. He knew the only way things would change in America is if the people stood together and fought back. He constantly mentioned how he could not make change happen on his own. He needed our help to create a political revolution.

Donald Trump, as incompetent as he is, had an obvious message. He wanted to “Make America Great Again.” He said, “America doesn’t win anymore.” He wanted to renegotiate trade deals and bring jobs back to the US. He spoke about how the large corporations are screwing people over. He appeared to be anti-establishment. The majority of people in America hate the establishment that has screwed them over for 30 years. While I don’t believe Trump is anti-establishment, he wore that costume and wore it well. He, like Bernie Sanders, tapped into the hearts and minds of people who are struggling.

Hillary Clinton’s message was full of platitudes. Her message was “I’m with Her.” What does that even mean? That message is so narcissistic. Why are you not with the people? That was the completely wrong message especially at this time when there is this anti-establishment sentiment around the world. Also, Hillary Clinton kept saying “Stronger Together” and “Let’s break down those barriers”. What does that even mean? That literally means nothing. How is “Stronger Together” going to bring back the jobs that were lost because of Bill Clinton’s ratification of NAFTA? How would that change the fact that, 38 percent of Americans make less than $20,000 a year, 51 percent of Americans make less than $30,000 a year, 62 percent of Americans make less than $40,000 year, 71 percent of Americans make less than $50,000 year and 50 percent of Americans live below poverty. How is “I’m with her” going to change that? How is “Breaking down those barriers” going to bring clean water to Flint Michigan? I asked many Hillary supporters, what is her message? They gave me word salad. The democrats make up 26 percent of the voting bloc. Half of them are hack democratic party loyalist that will vote blue no matter what. If they couldn’t explain what Hillary’s message was, why would you expect the 43 percent of voters who are independent of knowing her message and vote for her?

She was Refused to be Transparent:

Hillary Clinton doesn’t seem like a real person. She was extremely calculated. Anytime she was asked a question, she found a way to wiggle out or around it. She was extremely guarded and never revealed who she was. One huge mistake she made was that she refused to do any interviews. Hillary, you ran for president. Why would you not want to do interviews? Wouldn’t you want more people to know about you?

Many times during the primary debates, Bernie Sanders asked Hillary to release her Wall Street Transcripts. Hillary Clinton danced around the question, said a whole lot of nothing. She said she would consider it if Bernie Sanders released his taxes. Once Bernie Sanders released his taxes, Hillary Clinton still didn’t release her transcripts. Had she done it during the primaries, it would have hurt her, but it wouldn’t have affected the outcome if she did it after the New York primary. Her lead was nearly insurmountable at that point. Although it would have left a stain on her very stained record, it became a much bigger stain during the general election.

She Flip Flopped on Virtually Every Issue:

I could have written this entire piece on how many times Hillary Clinton’s flip flopping alone. I don’t want to make this too long, so I won’t get into her flip-flops. I will just talk about the results of her flip flops. According to an NBC poll, only 11 percent of Americans said Hillary was honest and trustworthy. Sadly, Donald Trump had higher trustworthy numbers. His Trustworthy numbers were at 17 percent. Now I don’t trust Donald Trump any more than I don’t trust Hillary Clinton. But I am not the majority. The fact that people couldn’t trust her played a huge role in her loss. Now some of her untrustworthiness was right-winged propaganda like Benghazi but a lot of her scandals were legitimate and she flat out lied about them and flip-flopped on fundamental issues. Much of her dishonesty and scandals were largely ignored by her supporter which brings me to my next point.

Her Supporters:

I don’t want to be too hard on her supporter but I have to be objective and honest. When I say her supporters, I am not talking about the people who decided to support her out of fear of Donald Trump, I’m talking about her hardcore supporters who were down to ride or die with her no matter what. That is a HUGE issue. Many of her supporters didn’t care that she had an FBI investigation. They didn’t care that she took big money from large corporations which resulted in her switching her positions on several issues. They ignored she refused to be transparent and release her wall street transcripts. Her supporters called Bernie supporters conspiracy theorist, Bernie-Bros, and sexist. Gloria Steinem suggested that young women who supported Hillary did so to get attention from boys. Her supporters suggested that Bernie supporters were spoiled, ignorant, lazy, sexist. I don’t know about you, but you’re not going to convince me to do anything by insulting me. The constant insults built resentment for Hillary which suppressed voted turnout.

Now as bad as that was, what was much worse is her supporters silencing dissenting voices. A lot of Bernie supporters where pissed at the fact that they were disenfranchised, they had to deal with clear voter suppression and election fraud as well as the DNC and the media colluding with Hillary Clinton. Her supporters did everything to shut them up and bully Bernie supporters and then wondered why they didn’t come vote for her during the general election and why 7 million fewer people voted for Hillary than Obama in 2012. Hillary Clinton received fewer votes than Mitt Romney. Let that sink in. Trump received fewer votes than her. It wasn’t that the racist all voted for Trump and came out in droves, it was that Hillary and the DNC ran a horrible campaign. Nearly the same number of people voted for Donald Trump as Mitt Romney and John McCain. The republican party isn’t growing. Evidence suggest it is shrinking. The issue is that democrats and independents weren’t fond of Hillary and her supporters played a huge part.

The DNC:

I can’t understate the role the DNC played into Hillary Clinton losing. The entire Democratic National Committee needs to be fired. If the normal average person does not do their job, they would be swiftly removed. The DNC backed, supported and rigged the election for a massively flawed candidate and lost to a bigoted, racist, fascist, incompetent, Cheeto. Donald Trump is one out the least qualified candidates in history and the candidate the DNC coroneted the corrupt individual that lost to him. Everyone at the DNC has got to go. Hasta La Vista, gone, bye, peace, GET THE F*CK OUT! Maybe we should send Trump into the DNC and fire them all. He’s pretty used to doing it. Not only that, the democrats lost the senate and the house. They haven’t done anything in 6 years. How do you have a job for six years and accomplish nothing? The democrats haven’t won anything since they had the house and senate in 2010. Since then, they’ve been massive failures.

Now that I'm done with that tangent I went off on, let’s talk about the role the DNC played. The DNC did everything that Hillary’s supporters did but put it on steroids. Hillary’s super PAC “Correct the Record” paid trolls to go on social media to spread Hillary propaganda. They would tell people who had questions about her that they were all crazy and Hillary was an angel. We are not stupid, but the DNC assumed we were.

The DNC took election fraud to a whole new level. During the Iowa Caucus which was essentially a tie, to distribute the delegates, there had to be 6 coin flips. All six coin flips went to Hillary Clinton. It is virtually impossible for that to happen. In fact, there is only a 1.6 percent chance that would occur. Also the stripping of the voter polls in Brooklyn, New York that prevented over 100,000 people from voting, Election Fraud in Arizona and Exit Polls being as far as 18 percent off. If exit polls are more than two percent off, it’s considered election fraud. Anytime the polls were off in the primaries, they were off in Hillary’s favor. When people complained about the Exit Polls being off, the DNC took away exit polling data. Election Justice USA, who are election lawyers said Election Fraud cost Bernie Sanders 184 pledged delegates. You can click here to read more. It also didn’t help when the DNC called Bernie supporters sexist and made up stories about Bernie supporter being violent like when they made up Bernie supporters threw chairs at the Nevada convention.

The Mainstream Media:

Mainstream Media was a HUGE issue. They attempted to paint Hillary as this saint who was being bullied but the world and every criticism of her were right winged propaganda and sexism. Here’s the thing, as of September 2016, only 32 percent of Americans had a great trust in the media, which is an all-time low. Numbers are bleaker when it comes to younger people, ages 19-49. Only 26 percent of younger people have great trust in the media as compared to 38 percent of people ages 50 and older. Who did Bernie Sanders attract most? Younger people. Younger people know the MSM is horrible. Their dissatisfaction grew as the MSM spread Hillary Clinton propaganda. Furthermore, the MSM gave Donald Trump over $3 billion of free media coverage over the course of the primaries. I’m sure that played a huge role. Also, he was a rating bonanza. Instead of MSM covering Trump promising that he will be a terrorist and torture, the coverage him was saying bad words. We are all adults. No one outside of the Washington Bubble cares.

Hillary Clinton:

The biggest reason for Clinton’s loss in the general election was her arrogance and hubris. She was completely cocky. She knew she had the democratic machine behind her so she felt invincible. She thought she didn’t have to do anything to appeal to millennials and independents which were Bernie Sanders’ base. During an MSNBC Town Hall, host Rachael Maddow asked:

“When Senator Sanders has been asked about, how this all ends, he seems to be saying now that, even if you beat him in the primaries, it’s not necessarily a given that he will implore all of his supporters to go out and work for you. He says that he thinks that they’ll support you if basically, you adopt some of his platforms on the issue that are most important to him. He specifically talked about Wall Street and some other things in his platform. Does that make sense to you? Is that something you’ll be open to?”

Hillary Clinton infamously responded “Well Rachelle, let’s look where we are right now. I've got 10.4 million votes. I have 2.7 million more folks, real people, showing up to cast their vote, to express their opinion than Senator Sanders. I have a bigger lead in pledged delegates than Senator Obama when I ran against him in 2008 ever had over me. I am winning. And I'm winning because of what I stand for and what I've done and what I stand for”

Not only did she not answer the question, she showed she had no intention of courting Sanders supporters because they would eventually come around. She was wildly mistaken. That arrogance and hubris ultimately cost her big. So as much blame as there is to go around, Hillary cost herself this election more than anyone else. More importantly, it will cost the country and the world.

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