8 Types Of Friends You Need On Your Home Team | The Odyssey Online
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8 Types Of Friends You Need On Your Home Team

Everyone needs a home team. Life just wouldn't be the same without these people.

8 Types Of Friends You Need On Your Home Team
Lauren Mullican
"Everybody has a home team: It's the people you call when you get a flat tire or when something terrible happens. It's the people who, near or far, know everything that's wrong with you and love you anyways. These are the ones who tell you their secrets, who get themselves a glass of water without asking when they're at your house. These are the people who cry when you cry. These are your people, your middle-of-the-night, no-matter-what people." – Shauna Niequist

It is so important to have a team of people on your side throughout anything in life. Whether you're blood-related or just met a year ago, these people hold a special place in your life and are down for you 100%, 24/7. Life is constantly changing; there's no way you can do it alone. You need these people and they need you too.

1. The friend who will always answer the phone:

She is the queen of selfies and is always tagging you in things on social media and blowing up your phone, but that's why you need her. She may have a million other things going on but she always makes time for you because you are important to her. She is the friend who will always text back in the middle of the night when you're sad and tell her to send up some prayers. She is the friend who will FaceTime you for two hours at a time and never run out of things to chat about. She has her phone in her hand almost 24/7 and never misses a phone call from you because she cares. You need a phone-a-holic on your team.

2. The friend who is always down to go eat:

She doesn't care if you're on a diet or if you're only drinking water— when you need her, she comes with listening ears and a greasy brown bag full of something good. She loves you and she loves to eat. When she comes to town, you better have a fully stocked pantry and be ready to go out to eat at least three times in a two-day span. She appreciates a good comfort meal and will listen to you cry until the last French fry is gone. When you call her to tell her you're coming over, you can guarantee that something is in the oven. A friendship that starts with arguing over who can have the last fry is a friendship to hold onto forever. Everybody needs a foodie on their home team.

3. The heartfelt best friend:

She is the first one you call when you have a broken heart or just a bad day. She is the one who will stay up and listen to you cry while helping you eat an entire gallon of ice cream. It may mean she has to sleep on your cold bedroom floor, but she will never let you struggle alone. You can always count on her to send you long, heartfelt messages or post the best birthday posts on social media because that is just who she is. She is a people person and you have rarely ever seen her shed a tear. She holds it together for the ones she loves-she holds it together for you. She has the biggest heart and you are a big piece of it. You need a big-hearted friend in your life, she is your best friend and your shoulder to cry on.

4. The honest friend:

This is your friend who always offers her honest opinion— when you need it and when she thinks you need it. She is the queen of everything and is nothing shy of bossy, but you know that she has your best interest at heart. She won't hesitate to ask you why your hair isn't fixed because she wants you to always be the best that you can be and look the best that you can too. She is very honest and doesn't hide how she's feeling very easily, but you need her. Without her, your life would be a lot quieter and a lot less dramatic, and who wants that? Her sass totally needs a spot on your team— maybe even two.

5. The Jesus-loving friends:

I think these friends are by far the most important friends to have. Hopefully, you have several of these. If you don't, you need to find some ASAP. You may not talk to these friends every day; however, you know that you are constantly in their prayers. They inspire you daily in your walk with Christ and hold you accountable for your sins when you slip up. These are the friends that you know you will never be judged by and always accepted by. You can have the deepest conversations with these sisters and they are a vital part of your life—you literally wouldn't function without them. Hold on tight to your sisters in Christ!

6. The encouraging friend:

This friend never lets you quit. Whether she's pushing you to run that extra mile at the gym or study until you can't hold your eyes open any longer, she always encourages you to do what makes your heart happy. She encourages you to never pass up a good opportunity to make a memory because she genuinely enjoys life and she enjoys life with you. She has been there through all of life's ups and downs and gotten you out of the holes that you've dug yourself. She may be the friend who gives you a good lecture when you're out of line; however, she will support you no matter what. 10/10 would recommend having an encouraging friend on your home team.

7. The just-like-you-friend:

This friend may be one you have known since you were five or since your freshman year of college. Whoever she is, you both knew instantly that you were too much alike to pass up a friendship. This is the friend who you can tell all of your deepest secrets to and trust that she will keep them. She knows when you've had a bad day and will listen to you complain about it for as long as you need. She is always down to hop in the car and go on an adventure when life is too much to handle. She knows what cheers you up and what drives you crazy because the same things do the same for her. She has already picked out her "aunt" name for your children to call her because she knows she'll still be around when that time comes. She is your person and you need her on your home team.

8. The sister-friend:

She's not your real sister but she might as well be. This is your BFF, your oldest friend, and your future Maid of Honor. You've been through just about everything together—from matching overalls to losing loved ones—and you're still the best of friends. She is the friend who is there through thick and thin and is never going anywhere. You would be lost without this friend and she would be equally as lost without you. She is basically a part of your family and your parents often ask where she is when she's not around. She is the friend who you will stand up for no matter what because you know that she always has your back, too. She's the friend who you drink cheap wine with and cry with because you're laughing so hard for no reason. Every girl needs a sister-friend on her home team; I got way too blessed with mine.

Everybody has a home team. Life just wouldn't be the same without these people.

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