Why arming teachers isn't the Answer. | The Odyssey Online
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Why arming teachers isn't the Answer.

Another article on Americas matters

Why arming teachers isn't the Answer.
Smithsonian Magazine

Hello and welcome back everyone to my next article. In this article ill be discussing why arming teachers isn't the answer ( just like it says in the title) I tried finding and adding some statistics but it seems that there was not a lot of numbers to work with necessarily. anyways, I hope you enjoy.

America Is in a pretty tough pickle if you couldn't tell with all these shootings. We all are on the same page that something needs to change, right? So reading around on the internet and speaking with people, the idea of arming teachers seems to be a recurring " solution" ,notice how i put that in quotations, that's because its not a solution. Like always I want you to think about the topic and the pro's and con's before you read this. Then you'll be ready for a read.

First let me shed a little light on teaching, i'm personally not a teacher however all it takes is some empathy ( remember the child's tune " empathy empathy put yourself inside of me.") and some conversation. Teachers, just as students are under a lot of stress not only for their safety of the shootings but also reasons as not making a lot of money and they don't always have the supplies and the funding that they require. A Lot of these teachers want to impact peoples lives for the better, that's why they became a teacher. It sure as hell was not for the money and the little amount of it that they get. Most of these people have pretty good hearts, Yeah there might be a jerk here or there but they really are pretty good people.

So we recognize these teachers are also under stress and under payed and even underfunded, not to mention these giant class sizes. Now that we see these mental factors do we really want to put a gun in their hands? Not only is it putting a lot of trust in someone who we don't know but its also a huge responsibility for them. That's a whole other thing to worry about. Now were putting firearms in a class room that could be used incorrectly by teachers or even the students and I don't see how that's any better than the school shooting situation we are in right now. Now that creates another potential problem.

I know what your thinking "Yeah well there's most likely going to be some sort of abuse but that's a small number" and if your thinking that, I totally hear you and your right. But hear me out on this. There may be a small level of abuse or even a big one for all we know. However, even if its just a small number that same argumentative statistic can be used against it with school shootings. Sure its only a few percent however its still a large factor at hand that effects our children and other people around in society. I like to call it "societal terrorism". They have an agenda right? I mean they clearly have a message they are trying to send and I don't understand why we aren't listening. These kids aren't robots, they definitely have emotions and that's whats pushing them to do this, that's whats driving them... Just something to think about...

Another reason as to why arming teachers is not a solutions is that I don't think people are also considering whats best for the teachers let alone what they want. Most teachers probably don't want to have the responsibility of the firearm let alone have it in their class. If a teacher on their own decides to carry one and has a permit and is responsible with it then by all means go ahead. But to forcibly give them this responsibility that they don't want let alone are not qualified for that dose not sound like a solution, it just sounds like were trying to quickly and too sloppily to solve a problem at hand. It just adds another problem to the vast amount of problems we already have .

And of course since mental health is the root of the problem and the solution ,let me further disprove the idea of arming teachers.

As we also know, not everyone is who they seem and the world isn't as safe as we think it is. Abuse from teachers is a real thing and happens to roughly 7 percent of students across America. This abuse can range from verbal to physical and even sexual, now lets give that person a fire arm. See how that dose not mix well, now we give the bad people an uphill advantage and even make schools more unsafe. Also please don't think all teachers are like this, there's so many of them who genuinely want to help children and impact their lives for the better.

I hope that something your starting to pick up is that arming everyone isn't going to make a safer place however neither is disarming everyone. Personally I am not completely against more security guards at schools only if they have a sidearm. I feel that is a fair medium right? A spot where we can meet in the middle. Maybe have one or two of them even a third one in the school. See, we don't need a lot of people or a lot of firepower to solve this problem as this will just make it worse. However perhaps this is a gentle meet in the middle we can all understand. Or at least perhaps only have these " security guards" temporarily while we try to tackle the root of this problem, which in case you forgot is the state of mental health. We need to make sure we put a lot of thought into our solutions so that they can solve the problem without creating another one.

I wanted to add some more statistics to these however it didn't seem like there was much data in the last two years to work with. Not many statistics have been made from in the last year so its a little hard to work with these numbers but you get the idea. That's another thing we should check up on, Student and teacher statistics. However, from the statistics I did see, it seems like there definitely is abuse from teachers that needs to be taken care of and a fair amount of kids (roughly 6 crimes per 1000 students) of kids are acting up and threatening their teachers and that's unacceptable.

Thank you for reading, and as always I hope this opened your mind a bit. Until next time.

-Alexander Levy

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