Out of all the fruits of the spirit I truly believe patience is one everyone struggles with more than any of the other fruits. We live in a world where you want something and you want it at that moment. For example, if you’re at a restaurant and it takes longer than about 25 or 30 minutes to get your food then you think you are literally going to die before you get to eat. Also, the wait for a table better not be longer than 15 minutes because that is just an insanely large amount of time. What if when we pray and ask God for something and he tells us to wait, or not right now? I think sometimes when God gives us this response we think he doesn’t see our needs as important or he just doesn’t care that much. Just because God tells you to wait it doesn’t mean he isn’t working.
Society portrays that when you receive things you receive instant gratification. Every where you look there are advertisements saying “now matters” and “now is the time”. If you don’t have the newest iPhone you’re instantly behind in the world. If you don’t have a yeti cup or Lily Pulitzer planner then you might as well go back to the 60’s. These are all silly things that the world says you need now. I am not saying if you have these things you don’t love Jesus because I’m the guilty owner of all of those items, but what I am saying is you can’t always have things when you want them.
Waiting is hard and can be frustrating. For instance, being single can be frustrating. You want the guy in your math class to ask you out or the girl in your chemistry lab to notice that you like all her pictures on Instagram. Maybe you’re dying to have a new car. Whatever it is you want it and you don’t have to wait. So maybe you pray for that guy or girl to notice you. Maybe you pray for the car or to get a job. What if God says wait? Before you tell God he doesn’t understand remember that you’re talking to the God of this universe. The man who created you and knows you better than you know yourself. He knows when you’re ready to take on whatever it is you want.
The world says now matter, but the Bible says God’s timing matters. Have you ever tried to leave for work or school and as you’re walking out the door you spill your coffee on your shirt and have to go change? Since you had to change, you’re now 10 minutes late leaving. Finally, you leave and you run into a traffic jam. A few cars ahead of you there is a wreck. What you don’t realize is if you had left your house at the normal time that would have been you in the wreck. Patience for anything else is the same concept. God has a plan far beyond what you can see at that moment. Patience isn’t always about waiting, but how you handle the wait. To gain patience you must endure waiting. So while you wait seek God’s face. Maybe he doesn’t want you to date anyone yet until he knows your focus will always be on him. Maybe God will provide a car when you provide him the wheel to your life. You never know why God says to wait sometimes, but if we knew what would be the point of faith? There is a purpose in waiting and that purpose rests safely in God’s hands. Trust him and endure the wait.