What You Learn From Each Member of Your Friend Group
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What You Learn From Each Member of Your Friend Group

Warning: All the Feels

What You Learn From Each Member of Your Friend Group
Comedy Central UK

College is a time filled with hours of endless studying, late nights going over problem sets, and copious amounts of stress. Through all the chaos that is your undergraduate career, you find that there is one thing that can get you through any personal or academic dilemma: your friends. They keep you centered and remind you of what matters most, piece by piece.

These are the life lessons your friends both knowingly and unknowingly teach you every single day.

The Firecracker

This friend is the literal epitome of the Energizer Bunny. Life is a rock song for them, and they are determined to dance and sing their way through, every second of every day. The room seems a little brighter when they waltz in, chattering about their day and the newest adventure they want to embark on with the group. Smiling seems easier with them, and they remind you about the importance of life's simple pleasures. When the stress becomes overwhelming and there seems to be no end to the work, this person is there with a blinding smile, a yummy snack, and a twinkle of mischief in their eye, all leading up to a statement. "Come with me," they say, and suddenly, you cannot help but say yes. They remind you that life is a whirling adventure, and sometimes it's best to let the wind control your path.

The Rationale

This friend has a solution for every problem. They may make jokes about their life being a mess, but you all know deep down that out of everyone in the group, they are the one who pretty much has everything under control. Somehow just talking to them can make you feel calm. A dream can become a concrete idea with their help and planning skills. They give everything 110%, and you can usually find them taking five classes, working forty hours a week, being a significant part of many extracurricular activities, and somehow finding time to have a social life on top of everything. They make the impossible possible, and while you may sometimes butt heads with them, you love this person dearly and cannot imagine life without them. They make you want to fight for your dreams and push yourself to the limit, because with this friend, the two of you are invincible.

The Warmth

This friend is an incredible listener. You can go to this person and vent about practically anything, and they would listen with an interested expression and a barrage of active questions about the problem. They give the BEST hugs and are oh so talented. When this person is busy or can't hang out, the whole group can feel the weight of their absence. They may come off as a little quiet at first, but it's only because they are collecting their thoughts carefully. They speak purposefully and with a pure heart. They remind you that life doesn't need to be filled with glitter or sparkle to truly shine. They ground you, remind you to walk a little slower, hug a little longer, and always say "I love you" to those who matter most.

The Mom

This friend is always coordinating a birthday, baking a cake, getting someone food when they're sick, or just plain listening to someone while they cry. And to be honest, they wouldn't have it any other way. Their love for their friends is not something they're shy about. They always have a plan for everything, and you can't imagine how long it took to get THAT organized. Maybe it's just they never want to see their friends disappointed or upset, or maybe they just don't know how to accept defeat. Whatever the case, this friend will always be there to pick you up when you've fallen down, answer your texts and phone calls at two in the morning when you need help, and remind you that you are always enough. Love deeply and care often.

The Golden Retriever

This friend is the epitome of "Lean on me, when you're not strong." They are loyal to their friends no matter what, and you find that this friend surprises you to no end with their compassion, generosity, and kindness for others. They're the first to offer to help out with a problem, assignment, or project, and usually the last to call it quits at the end of the day. The support of this friend can carry you through the challenges and anxieties that late nights of studying can often bring. This person shows you what it truly means to have a friend and to be a friend, knows when to offer a kind word or an ice cream, and can rally the group at any time to aide another. They are in essence, a golden retriever, always loyal, always kind, and always strong.

The Strength

When you think of this friend, only one word can possibly come to mind- strong. And it is not necessarily just a physical strength. It's a total mental, emotional, and physical super strength that makes you look at this friend, and all you can possibly say is, "Wow." They embody a quiet perseverance and a passion for life. It's their appreciation of life's gifts, their acceptance of the challenges life has presented them, and their daily words of wisdom that get you every time. They think long, speak confidently, and hold no qualms about what they know is right. You always want to hear what they have to say. They've taught you about balance, a balance between the daily stressors of a college student and remembering what actually matters in this world. And the funny part? They probably weren't even trying to teach you something on purpose. They just did.

Everyone graduates with a diploma, but only the lucky graduate with lifelong friends.....

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