27 Things To Do Instead Of Texting Your Ex
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27 Things To Do Instead Of Texting Your Ex

I know you want to text him or her... but here are several BETTER things to do with your time.

27 Things To Do Instead Of Texting Your Ex
Emma Stinnette

Heartbreak sucks, being bored sucks, being lonely sucks... yet, these are not reasons to text your ex! Instead, here are things to do instead of texting your ex.

1. Try doing yoga.


There's no better way to relax and still feel like you're getting exercise at the same time. Yoga is great for so many things and can definitely help will all of the stress that your ex probably caused. Brett Larkin has some amazing yoga for beginners on Youtube!

2. Delete social media for the day. 

Seeing their posts all over your feed prompts the idea that they want to hear from you. It's a lie. Just take a break from it all and do something more productive.

3. Go somewhere new! 

Sometimes exploring can be a lot of fun. Exploring by yourself is even more fun since you can fully discover who you are alone. Or, bring your roommates along too!!

4. Dye your hair. 

I know there's so many cliché posts about this, but you'll feel like a new person. {Your ex's name} who?

5. Go for a run.

If you're into that sort of thing...


If you're a girl, go get your nails done, get a massage, take a hot bath, use a bath bomb, etcetera... If you're a guy, I'm not sure what to tell you. Go get some ice cream maybe? Do guys like ice cream still?

7. Start a Pinterest board of all your favorite things. 

This might be really girly, but it's so important to constantly be reminded of things that bring you Joy. If you're more into crafts, do this with a poster board and cut out things from magazines.

8. Print new pictures. 

If every single picture that you have in your room includes your ex, it's time to take them down, Go to the store and print out new photos of you and your super cool friends doing things!

9. Do a cartwheel in every store within a 5-mile radius.

Spice up your life a little, do cartwheels.

10. Write a happy song. 

If you're into the whole music scene, write a happy song and perform it for all of your adoring fans on your Snapchat. Or just sing it inside your room. It's up to you!

11. Go to Build-A-Bear. 

I don't care if you're 12 or 23. Build-A-Bear is a place for all ages to recieve happy bears and someone to snuggle with. BOOM- I just solved your lonely problem.

12. Call a friend. 

Some of my best advice is that whenever you feel like texting your ex, pick another friend and call them. I had a designated friend that I would text each time I felt like texting someone I wasn't supposed to, and it worked out perfectly.

13. Read. 

I'm sure you didn't have a lot of downtime before, but now you do! Go to Half Price Books and pick out something for yourself!

14. Watch a new Netflix/Hulu/ Amazon Prime Series. 

A virtual adventure! How cool does that sound?

15. Go shopping.

Retail therapy. Am I right, ladies?

16. Write a love letter to yourself. 

Hype YOURSELF up. You are awesome and deserving of love!!

17. Take a nap. 

You can't text if you're sleeping, right?

18. Create a blog. 

Aside from this blog, I do in fact have another one. If you need a place to vent on the internet, this is the perfect thing for you!

19. Post affirmations EVERYWHERE. 

If you need to pick yourself up, write all over your mirror what YOU need to hear every single day. My favorites are:

"I am loved"

"I am beautiful"

"I don't need anyone to be my happiness"

20. Compliment everyone that you know. 

Sending a quick text to everyone (minus your ex) with a sweet compliment will help you to feel better & keep your mind away from them.

21. Take yourself on a date. 

This might fall under "treat yourself", but honestly go out and do something that you enjoy by yourself. It's liberating to not worry about anyone else for a change.

22. Create a challenge for yourself. 

Ladies, try going 30 days without makeup, or 30 days drinking a certain amount of water. It's 2019. Better yourself!

Men, try going 30 days without a cheeseburger or your favorite fast food. Also, drink water. Make a plan to workout every day. Or, challenge yourself to compliment everyone you pass. It's 2019 which means it's time to be gentlemen and not be bitter over a past relationship.

23. Buy a fish. 

That way, you now have a pet to distract you. Mine is named Squirt.

24. Cook a delicious meal.  

One of the most rewarding things is making a fantastic meal and being extremely satisfied afterwards.

25. Clean. 

The best way to keep busy is finally deciding to tackle the garage or your closet that you've been putting off for months. Clean everything that you can and de-clutter your life.

26. Have a slumber party with friends.

Also, this has nothing to do with your age or gender. Plan the best dang slumber party that you can. Even make a pinterest board for it. If you're 21+ this party can include some wine!

27. Create a goal board. 

Since they're gone, what do you want to do with your life? Goal boards are a cheap and fun way to feel like you have your life together.

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