20 Girls Shared What They Hate In Bed
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I Asked 20 Girls What They Absolutely Hate In Bed, And Well... It's The Guys Turn To Listen

Now that we've heard from the fellas, it's the girls time to take control and shed some light on matter.

I Asked 20 Girls What They Absolutely Hate In Bed, And Well... It's The Guys Turn To Listen

Consider this article a sequel to "I Asked 20 Guys What They Absolutely Hate In Bed, And Well...The More You Know," because in all hookups and relationships, it's important to hear both sides to ensure there's a happy ending. As your fairy sex godmother, it is my duty to hear from both sides and give my girls an opportunity to speak their piece.

Now this time I didn't turn to Bumble to do my research because l didn't think that creating a male profile to say "Hey girl, what do you hate in bed?" would have a high response rate. Not to worry, though, I received an astonishing amount of input from girls who were ready to strike back at the guys. Including myself.

Now guys, grab a pencil and paper because it's time to take notes... here's what 20 girls say they do not like in bed:

Some kept their replies short and sweet (kind of): 

"When oral is not reciprocated... once or twice OK, but constantly is just annoying."

- Ashley, 23

"When the dude doesn't care about the girl finishing, or finishes in two seconds and calls it quits."

- Alexia, 24

"When a guy is going down on you and they try to make eye contact... I just don't like."

- Makenzie, 19

"When it takes like 10 minutes to stick it in because he can't stay hard."

- Lindsey, 20

"When he lets his dog stay in the room."

- Jenna, 19

"I hate when guys leave their bright lights on. I like to see what's going on but no one looks hot in florescent lighting." 

- Jenny, 27

"When he acts like he's amazing in bed but is actually terrible."

- Sophia, 23

"If he moans loudly while making out... I couldn't think of anything else the whole time."

- Danielle, 23

"I hate when my boyfriend puts his hands down there and accidentally touches my butt hole... literally the biggest turnoff."

- Louisa, 19

"I absolutely hate biting. I can't stand when a guy actually thinks it's OK to dig his teeth into my skin."

- Annie, 23

"When he can't stick it in and says its because you're too tight, like oh sorry dude, I guess it's my fault."

- Christina, 27

"When he doesn't cuddle for at least 5 minutes after hooking up."

- Nina, 25

"When guys skip foreplay completely."

- Blair, 25

"When he goes all jack hammer energizer bunny style and it's not fun for you."

- Natalie, 20

While other girls had more to say: 

"I hate when guys aren't comfortable enough to talk to you before to see what you actually like... I love a good choke and being dominated but some people don't, some want more kink, and some want more vanilla. You've got to figure it out first."

-Kateri, 21

"I hate when a guy gets frustrated that he can't make me orgasm during sex. They need to realize that a lot of girls can't climax that way so would they rather have us fake it instead of being honest?"

- Brianna, 23

"When guys are selfish in bed... it's a PRIVILEGE to hook up with us and they should act like it. They shouldn't stop when they are done, they should make sure their partner feels good too!" 

- Alison, 22

"Anything that just takes you out of the moment... like if you have nothing dirty to say then don't strain yourself trying to think of something." 

- Dani, 23

"When he gets too rough with you to the point where it's too much. I get it you want to act aggressive but there is no need for spanking and hair-pulling to the point where it's unbearable. Take it light at first and if you see I like it and want more, then take it to the next level."

- Hannah, 20

"If he calls you mommy and/or calls himself daddy during sex. It's fine if I say daddy first, but not if he initiates it. It's just weird and cringe-worthy."

- Chloe, 26

As always, remember that it all comes down to personal preferences. The most important tip I, your fairy sex godmother, can give you is to be open and tell each other what you like. Who knows, it could be a great conversation starter if you're in the mood to sext or if you're in the mood to try out both of your desires in the bedroom.

Alright guys, put your notes down and get to business.

Follow Swoon on Instagram.

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