What Female Students Across The Nation Think About Feminism
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What Female Students Across The Nation Think About Feminism

An inside look at what female students are saying about feminism, equality and the Women's March.

What Female Students Across The Nation Think About Feminism
Girl Talk HQ

With the recent Women's March, feminism has been a hot topic. Many have seen the signs and heard the speeches from big names in Hollywood, but what does feminism mean to the everyday college student?

Natasha Nielson

University of Michigan

Natasha is a self-proclaimed feminist. To her, feminism isn't about being above men, it's about equality. When asked what feminism means to her she said:

"Feminism means that one day I want to be able to walk down the street without being catcalled and whistled at. It means that one day more women will be involved in politics. It means that one day women will have equal pay. But it also means that one day men won’t have to worry about hiding their emotions."

Annali Murray

Fuller Theological Seminary

Annali recognizes the different intensity levels of the feminist movement. She stated:

"I fit into feminism from a uniquely Christian background, specifically one that takes justice work very seriously. I support the movement in so far as it advocates for women's rights and does not ostracize others from the work of creating a more safe, inclusive and equal world for women. "

She feels that the Women's March made the statement that:

"Woman will not be overlooked in society—we will continue contributing in all spheres of society and we desire to be celebrated for the good work we have and will continue to do."

Carly McCullough

University of Florida

Carly absolutely considers herself to be a feminist. When asked what feminism means to her, she responded:
"To me, feminism is simply the idea that everyone should be held to an equal standard."

Seeing people of different ages, genders and ethnicities stand up for equal rights during the Women's March inspired Carly. She recognizes the event as:

"Possibly the coolest thing I’ve ever seen happen within my generation. I was very emotional that whole day; it was very overwhelming to see how much of the world really is standing together. It was a day of love and support in a time when we needed it most. It's definitely a day that made history."

Chelsea Guerrero

Texas State University

When asked if she considers herself a feminist, Chelsea said:

"I would not consider myself a feminist – at least not by today’s standards. This new wave feminism where woman demand equal rights, rights we already have, it’s just silly. As a woman, and even as a Hispanic, I have never felt like I was lesser than any boy or man. "

Even when she was on a coed wrestling team she never felt inferior to men. While she believes the original feminism movement was justified, she does not support the modern movement. She expressed great frustration with the women's march.

"Our children watched the news that day and heard horrible words, threats on our country, and saw countless uncensored… reproductive organs. As a woman, as an American, I am disgusted, I am appalled, and I am embarrassed. "

Kara Williams

Clemson University

Kara identifies as a feminist to a certain degree. She recognizes the need for equal rights.

"I think the glass ceiling should be broken through, so that women can have the same opportunities as men. However, I was born and raised in the south. I have only ever been surrounded by traditional households, with my mother being the caregiver and my father being the bread winner. In my personal opinion, I don't think it's a bad thing to live in a traditional setting."

She understands that some individuals are hesitant to embrace feminism, but to her it's straightforward.

"Most are turned off by that simple word [feminism]. However, I believe that you either agree on equal rights or you don’t."

Yasmeen Palacios

Nova Southeastern University

Yasmeen considers herself to be a feminist. To her, gender shouldn't hold someone back from fulfilling their dreams. She says:

"I strongly believe that women can do anything a man can do."

When asked what feminism means to her, she proclaimed:

"Feminism, to me, means, realizing, understanding, and believing that men and women should have equal rights."

Kaylyn Atchison

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Kaylyn does not identify as a feminist. She sees feminism as

"women trying to get ahead of men rather than going for equality which is what the original thought and definition was."

She feels that feminists are continually dissatisfied with their place in society. As a woman she feels the need

"to appreciate what happened for us in the past 100 years rather than keep wanting more and more."
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