My heart hurts.
I still can't fathom why all of this is happening.
Why can't we just love each other?
How many innocent people have to die so we can realize that?
Our world has become a place full of hatred and destruction. The civilization that we have taken thousands of years to create is dwindling because of one simple thing:
We are unable to see and treat each other as equals.
I no longer turn the TV on because all I see in the news are people suffering or dying. Every day there is either a terrorist attack, a mass shooting, police brutality, the list goes on and on. Every time I see a new tragedy pop up in my Facebook feed I just cannot help but think: Why are some people filled with so much hate?
A myriad of decades ago, people used to think that the future would be full of drastic changes and advancements. Many of those people probably thought that by 2016 there would be flying cars, world hunger would not exist, world peace would be prevalent, and even that humans would start colonizing other planets.
However, I'm glad that those people did not have a time machine because if they travelled to 2016, they would be extremely disappointed.
I know that tragedy and violence have always existed. However, since our world is so interconnected, we are able to have easier access to this kind of information. We are now able to use our technology and media to connect with other people and try to make a change. We have been given a tool so we can speak up and share our ideas with the rest of the world. We now have the perfect medium to create social change.
There's a lot of bad people in this world causing so much harm. However, there is so many more good people who want to improve this world. Each and every one of us is able to bring more light into this world. We all have so much potential buried inside of us. All we have to do is speak up and let our message be heard. No matter how insignificant we may seem to be, our words and actions carry great power. We must all join together as one and fix the poor state our world is currently in. Your opinion and support definitely matters.
We cannot ignore this issue any longer. If we do, our humanity will keep sinking more and more until there is no chance of salvation. But there is still hope; so let's start speaking up right NOW.
I still can't put much of what I feel about all of this in words, so I made a video in which I read an excerpt from W.H. Auden's September 1,1939.
All that I can say right now is really: