So You're Voting for Hillary?
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So You're Voting for Hillary?

Here are some things you should know about Hillary Clinton but probably don't. Why you ask? Mainstream media cover-ups are the reason.

So You're Voting for Hillary?

On Monday night September the 26th at 9 p.m., 84 million people tuned in to Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN to watch 2 of the most polarizing figures in American political history take the stage. One of these figures was Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee, and former first lady, senator from New York, and Secretary of State. The man standing opposite her was Donald J. Trump, the Republican nominee and entrepreneur who before sticking his hat in the race for president of the United States was mainly known by the American people for saying "You're fired!" to contestants on "The Apprentice" and his many real estate holdings and businesses all over the world. In my opinion, it did not go well on either side. As a Trump supporter I will say that that was his worst performance yet. All Hillary did was spew her typical name-calling rhetoric and Lester Holt bought it. Rather than talk about the real issues like Benghazi, the Syrian Refugee Crisis, or the Clinton Foundation money laundering we instead heard her endlessly call Trump racist, sexist and whatever other -ists you can think of. But that should be all we expect from her as her entire life has been one big cover up. Trump could've easily dismantled her but, in my opinion, he didn't hit her hard enough. Lester Holt "drank the Kool-Aid" and rather than focusing on substance he focused on why Trump called Rosie O'Donnell fat. Numerous times he interrupted Trump and asked follow-up question but whenever Hillary spoke (no I will not call her secretary, first of all, she is no longer secretary of state and doesn't deserve that position or title anyway) he agreed with what she had to say by not asking any follow-ups and never interrupting her.

It is now a week later and many people like myself are tired of hearing about who won, the polls, and the analysis thereof. I wanted to know the facts that weren't given to us, the cover-ups by the mainstream media and just what people are getting themselves into when they vote for Hillary Clinton. In each of the following paragraphs, there are things I myself deem important that the people should know before voting for Hillary.

You're an administrator at a school, maybe it's a high school or maybe it's a college. It is December so you and your staff are starting to plan out the graduation ceremonies in May or June and who will speak at it. Will it be an alumni? Will it be a retired athlete? Will it be a famous politician? Who will deliver the commencement address? Maybe you can try getting Hillary Clinton to come speak. Wrong. Unless you are planning on raising tuition at the college or raising taxes for the high school Hillary will be way out of your league. Hillary Clinton costs more to speak for 25 minutes than a Bachelor's degree with textbooks, food, and dorming combined at one of New York's SUNY schools, probably even more than a Masters! I know Trump is a millionaire but how can we trust someone who charges on average $225,000 just to stand up and speak about her "so-called" accomplishments. Honestly, I don't really care about her enormous speaking fees to companies like eBay. That just shows she's greedy. What I do want to know is why she refuses to release the transcripts of her speeches to Goldman Sachs and the other big Wall Street banks. On February 4th at the Democratic debate Bernie Sanders called on Hillary Clinton to release the transcripts in this epic moment that can be seen below:

It is not shown in this video but Hillary's response is that she'll "look into it" (just like she probably "looked into" sending help to Benghazi but that's another subject). I don't agree with Bernie Sanders on much policy, but I do agree with how he says we need to get the big banks and wall street out of politics. That moment then started a movement among the Sanders camp. One supporter, 40-year-old Jed McChesney of Kansas started a digital clock that counts the days, hours, minutes, and seconds that have occurred since Hillary said she would "look into it." His websites and shows his very detailed research on Clinton's speeches specifically to the financial sector. According to McChesney's research Clinton made $21.7 million in speaking fees over 2 years, nearly $3 million of which came directly from 14 financial sector related speeches. I find it funny that I'm trashing Hillary and almost siding with Bernie but he does have a point and shame on the media for being her version of the praetorian guard on the issue. They've completely ignored the fact that she said that back on February 4th and has not acted on it, rather they're focused on how Donald Trump called someone fat 20 years ago. Do I think Trump should release his tax returns? Yes, just to keep with the tradition of the past 40 years. Do I care if he does or not? No, not one bit. Do I think Hillary should release her speech transcripts? YES! What could she be saying in those speeches that is worth thousands and millions of dollars? Lastly, why did her husband Bill give a few speeches to companies such as UBS, Goldman Sachs, Samsung, and Aflac while she was Secretary of State and also while these companies had matters of state in their hands. Did these companies pay off the Clintons for a few favors? Maybe, maybe not. That's not the most important but it puts the icing on the cake for Clinton speaking fees. For one time in my life I'll side with Sanders supporters and also call on Hillary to release the speech transcripts.

Before Hillary began charging massive speaking fees she was the lawyer of a small firm in Arkansas. At this firm, she was often the subject of office gossip among the other lawyers and secretaries. According to Carl Bernstein's "A Woman in Charge," they made fun of everything about her, from her makeup and jewelry to her clothes and high heels. Her first ever case is commonly referred to by her and Bill as "The Rat's @$$ case." In it, she defended a canning company against a man who opened the can of pork and beans and found a rat's behind. He claimed the sight was so repulsive he could not even kiss his fiancée. One would think it would be very hard to defend the canning company but Hillary Rodham found a way. She claimed that the rat was probably cleaned in the canning process and would be considered edible in certain parts of the world. This only awarded the plaintiff a very small amount. Her next case involved a man who had beaten his wife. Yes, the supposed champion of women's rights that is Hillary Clinton defended a man who beat his wife. Again, one would think the cops would come in and show what they found in order to prosecute the man. Wrong. Hillary was able to convince the judge of a technicality and all charges were dropped. Is this who we want in office? Someone who will so easily compromise on their values? Because the Hillary Clinton of today certainly would not defend either the canning company or the man who beat his wife. Maybe the fact that Bill Clinton was Arkansas attorney general played a role in Hillary winning the cases. Speculation? I think not...

Hillary's willingness to compromise and say or do anything to get elected into office doesn't stop there. It carries on throughout her entire career. Just take a look at how Anderson Cooper called her out on gay marriage here:

In my opinion she has betrayed the entire gay community. Hillary may talk about it more but if you really look at the records Trump, if elected, will be the best Republican president when it comes to gay marriage or rights. Hillary doesn't care about the gay community. If she did she wouldn't have accepted millions from countries who have horrible records for the punishment of gay people. Just see the chart below:

It seems as if her husband Bill has also done the same when it comes to compromising and flip-flopping on the issues. Bill, along the campaign trail, has numerous times attacked Trump's immigration stance and echoing Hillary's idea that we should have a bridge not a wall. That's not what Bill said in this 1995 State of the Union Address:

It appears as if flip-flopping runs in the family. So Trump has pretty laid out this exact plan but he's the racist. Yet, more double standards for Democrats.

Now let's take a moment to discuss the Clinton's war on women specifically Hillary played a significant role in silencing many of the women who accused Bill of raping or sexually assaulting them. But the media doesn't want to talk about this. What they do want to talk about is how Trump called someone Miss Piggy back in 1998. That someone was Alicia Machado. The former Miss Universe was born in 1976 in Venezuela and became a U.S. citizen in May of this year. She has since been used as part of the Clinton machine and Trump's supposed sexism. What they don't want to tell you is that Machado was the getaway driver in a murder car back in Venezuela. She wasn't charged as she threatened to kill the judge. She admits this to Anderson Cooper below:

Let us also not forget how she has been in several adult films. Wow using a porn star in your campaign Hillary? That seems to go against when she campaigned against harmful media and rap music in her address to the 1996 and 2000 DNCs.

What I find to be a huge disappointment is that Bernie Sanders' supporters will most likely vote for Hillary. I definitely don't agree with Sanders on policy but he did start a movement. He is an honest man with a loyal following and will definitely be taught about in the future in high school political science classes. Apparently these followers aren't so loyal if they're going to vote for Hillary especially if they know about the 2016 DNC email leak which basically showed that Debbie Wasserman Shultz who was at the time the chairwoman of the DNC and Clinton campaign wee trying to undermine the Sanders campaign. In one email it appears as if they are going to try to use the fac that Bernie is an atheist to try to get some votes for Hillary especially within the religious left. Wasserman Shultz said in one email: "He will not be our next president" and in another she had some very harsh words to say about Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver. Seriously, you're voting for the person who undermined your candidate's campaign. Could Bernie have won? Probably not. But these emails do show a harsh record of how the DNC worked against him in dirty ways.

Laslty, I would like to call out Lester Holt. He largely had a reputation for being a non-partisan journalist prior to the debate. That all changed afterward. His constant questioning of Trump and basically agreeing with everything Hillary said was sickening. He also interrupted Trump way more than Hillary. I'm not going to go as far as some such as Alex Jones are saying and say Hillary and Holt were using hand signals but I will say that Holt clearly had a target on Trump. Did Holt fear getting exiled from the media similar to Matt Lauer and Jimmy Fallon for not being harsh enough on Trump? Possibly, we can't rule that out.

Stay tuned until next week for more Clinton hypocrisy.

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