The end of the year is here and that means it's time for work overload. As exciting as summer anticipation is, there is nothing nicer than taking a break and enjoying Chapel Hill. If procrastination is your favorite pass time, here are 10 places you can enjoy so you don't spend every second crying in Davis.
1. Getting ice cream at Mapleview
Instagram @hungrysquirrel
I scream, you scream....we all scream because finals are coming and all we need is ice cream and a great view.
2. Hanging with friends on Craig Deck
Instagram @uncchapelhill
Overlook the campus and enjoy a spring night all while avoiding your responsibilities.
3. Soaking up the sun at Jordan Lake
Instagram @super_fit_girl
Bring an Eno or a book or a football. Take a break and visit the lake.
4. Playing with a puppy on the quad
Instagram @uncchapelhill
Puppies solve everything. 20 minutes with a puppy will do the same as 2 hours of studying.
5. Getting lunch at Sutton's
Instagram @suttonsdrugstore
There is no better Chapel Hill tradition than a good hot dog at Suttons. Maybe Sutton's works as a form of finals osmosis. See friends, get good food, ace your exams.
6. Taking a day trip to the beach
Instagram @lakesorerealty
I personally think I'll learn more from the ocean than from my textbook. Sounds productive to me.
7. Enjoying coffee at Perennial
Instagram @perennialchapelhill
Talk. Enjoy. Spend time together. Don't study. There's nothing nicer than a pretty day and the atmosphere and a good cup of coffee at Perennial.
8. Seeing a concert in Carrboro
Instagram @catscradlenc
They don't even have to be good artists, they just have to be singing, or sitting, or doing anything other than studying.
9. Rushing Franklin
Instagram @thetopofthehill
Okay, so maybe basketball season is over...but I'd still rather be doing this than sitting in Davis.
10. Taking a nap
Instagram @uncchapelhill
We need sleep. Doesn't that qualify as finals studying and mental health care?
Finals season is the WORST. If you really feel like you can't spend one more minute in Davis, here are 10 things you would benefit more from doing. Study hard. Play hard. Ace your finals and enjoy your summer.