Trump's Newest Executive Order
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Trump's Newest Executive Order

It is not a muslim ban

Trump's Newest Executive Order

Last week Trump signed another executive order. This one caused many of those on the left to go absolutely nuts. Why? It had to do with refugees and immigration. The hashtag "#MuslimBan" began trending and SHOCKER, it was a complete lie. However, it fit the narrative of the left so they rolled with it. This executive order was not a Muslim ban so people can just chill for one second.

Let's go over some facts

This Order Suspends Visas from "Nationals of Countries of Particular Origins"

This has happened before back in the 1980s when Jimmy Carter, one of the most left presidents, issued a cancellation of visas for Iranian citizens.

The Secretaries of State and Homeland Security Can Waive The Executive Order For Individuals

This will be done on an individual case-by-case basis.

Priority is Given to Victims of Religious-Based Persecution

This is where the media tries to paint it as islamophobic and it is far from it. There is already a law on the books to help refugees in the face of religious persecution. This is to help out Syrian Christian refugees who were left without help by the Obama administration.

There is a list of facts related to the executive order at the Dailywire.

Continuing on, David French over at National Review wrote a piece about the hysteria that resulted from this executive order. David French is able to separate the facts from the lies. Anyone who argues that this executive order is a "Muslim Ban" already loses credibility because it shows that they did not even look beyond the hashtag on social media. Rushing to conclusions without the slightest amount of research will not end well. Trump's executive order is to limit immigration from jihadist conflict zones. The order had nothing to do with banning individuals based on religion. David French stated in the article "You can read the entire executive order from start to finish, reread it, then read it again, and you will not find a Muslim ban. It’s not there. Nowhere."

Immigration and refugee policies are touchy subjects for some people, but just because someone does not want to let refugees from certain areas in does not make them a bad person. Demonizing those who are not in line with what you support is not exactly going to bring them to your side. America, as well as other countries, have no obligation to let anyone into the country just because those people want to come in. America's immigration policies are also not the most strict policies and this country has done quite a lot to help out others in need. The implementation of this executive order was not the best and that is where most of the problems are located. The original intent of the executive order, that of limiting immigration from certain countries as means of protection, makes perfect sense.

What is not surprising from all of this is the hypocrisy received from the left. Other events similar to Trump's order have happened before. Obama has had a disastrous foreign policy, doing nothing about the atrocities occurring in Syria. I am not hearing anyone on the left talk about the wrongdoings of Obama. The reaction coming from the left is not surprising given the political climate, but it is still insane. Reality is ignored and truth is relative to them. Also since when did the left start caring about the constitution? The constitution is not relevant only when you want it to be. If you care so much about the constitution, where were you when Obama was acting in an unconstitutional manner?

The reaction from the left is expected. The left needs to understand that not all conservatives and republicans are on board with this executive order. Also please understand that demonizing those who are not in agreement with you does lead to progress. We need to learn how to have civil discourse without attacking character. Also, for those on the left, please do your research before you jump onto the next social justice hashtag.

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