Trump Is A Benevolent Sexist
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Trump Is A Benevolent Sexist

This is not okay.

Trump Is A Benevolent Sexist

The definition of benevolent sexism is a chivalrous attitude toward women that feels favorable but is actually sexist because it casts women as weak creatures in need of men's protection. Now, this isn’t just a radical feminist ranting on and saying chivalry is sexist, this is the constant demeaning of women’s abilities done in a “nicer” way. It’s the behavior that has gone on for too long and women are turning the other cheek in hopes of it going away because we know we deserve better. We know that this isn’t they way we should be treated. For the purposes of referral, I'm going to call benevolent sexism bs because that’s pretty much was this is. A load of bs taking over our country.

Here are a few everyday examples of bs:

The notion that women are kind, and men are strong. And that there isn't anything that can change these thoughts.

Women are just more beautiful. Objectifying and belittling women so that they believe nothing other than their beauty matters. And that they must live up to society's absurd standards of beauty.

Doing things for her because she can’t do them herself. Like ordering her food at restaurants or aggressively suggesting that she cannot fix anything in the house.

Dismissing your equal role in raising a family or maintaining a household because that’s what women are good at.

Dismissing talk about sexual harassment and treating women as if they are objects and not human beings capable of everything men are capable of. Yes, this is where I’m going to bring Trump into this discussion. Because whether you like it or not, the election is everywhere.

And let me be specific in what Trump conversation I am referring to overall. If you haven’t already heard, there was the releasing of a 2005 tape where Donald Trump stated that he kisses women without their consent and sexually gropes them in order to gain control. I, of course, have paraphrased the video to avoid using his profane language but to listen to the real thing here’s a link:

Now, the problem with what Trump said back in 2005 is that Trump recently dismissed this as locker room banter. This is not normal. This is not okay. This is just a video of a couple guys talking about sex or consensual behavior. This is a man running for electoral office BRAGGING about a crime. Sexual harassment is not a joke. And if you know anyone that has been the victim of such heinous acts you know that Trumps disregarding of his own behavior is harmful in itself. It hits home. Because as women we know the feeling all too well. We know the feeling of having to play it cool at work because you want to stay on your boss’s good side even though sometimes he stands a little too close and bumps into you simply to find places his hand doesn’t belong. Or when that guy on the street stares a little too long. Or the simple fact that when you’re walking home from work or to your car at night and you’ve got a death grip on your keys in between your fingers because even though your skirt goes below your knees everything is still your fault. This isn’t okay. Women shouldn’t have to feel this way.

And after watching Michelle Obama’s response to Trump’s sexist comments, I was more than just moved. I realized she was right. I, like so many other women have tried to keep my cool during this campaigning process and state my opinions respectfully but I have constantly been shut down or disregarded. I have tried to appear as if Trump’s hateful “banter” does not phase me but it does. Everywhere I turn I see his ads and hear his speeches degrading women and objectifying our existence. And this isn’t a recent thing, Donald Trump has been doing this for decades while appearing on various tv shows and news segments. He has referred to his own daughter as a “hot piece of a*s.” Now if that doesn’t set off a red flag then I don’t know what will. As a woman in today’s society I have tried so hard to keep quiet and simply change the channel in hopes of it all going away. Because what if my 3 year old cousin heard these words? What if she thought this was okay? I don’t want my younger sister or nieces to feel this is how they deserve to be treated. That this is the way all men look at you and there is nothing we can do about it. Because that is wrong. I know of many great men in my life that have respect for women regardless of their race. And simply allowing Donald Trump to make these hateful comments about the opposite sex is giving those decent men a bad name. Would I want my nephews or male cousins to be raised in a society where they think women are just sexual beings capable of having children and raising them? That they are simply too emotional and cannot make sound decisions without the help of the opposite sex? No, I don’t. And it pains me to think that so many children are beginning to believe these lies. Because honestly, it’s everywhere. When you turn on the tv, open every social media platform, step outside your front door; it’s there. And in case you need more real-life references of Trump and his sexist ways; here’s a solid 5:

1. Sexual assault in the military is expected

2. Women are constantly out to just “trick men”

“Women have one of the great acts of all time. The smart ones act very feminine and needy, but inside they are real killers. The person who came up with the expression ‘the weaker sex’ was either very naive or had to be kidding. I have seen women manipulate men with just a twitch of their eye — or perhaps another body part.” — Trump: The Art of the Comeback, 1997

3. Hilary cannot be president because she doesn’t please her husband

4. The women on the apprentice need to rely on sex appeal

“It’s certainly not groundbreaking news that the early victories by the women on ‘The Apprentice’ were, to a very large extent, dependent on their sex appeal.” — How To Get Rich, 2004

5. Female journalists have to be hot in order to make it

“I mean, we could say politically correct that look doesn’t matter, but the look obviously matters,” Trump said to a female reporter on “Last Week Tonight.” “Like you wouldn’t have your job if you weren’t beautiful.”

And with all of that being said, let's just take into account the state our country is in. Do we really want some one to run our country if they would willingly look you in the eye and degrad your own mother, daughter or sister? I didn't think so.

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