If You're The Girl Who Has Never Had A Boyfriend, But Is Ready For Marriage, Listen To Me
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If You're The Girl Who Has Never Had A Boyfriend, But Is Ready For Marriage, Listen To Me

I won't tell you that learning to be patient is always easy, but it is so worth it.

If You're The Girl Who Has Never Had A Boyfriend, But Is Ready For Marriage, Listen To Me
Kady Cooley

Girl, let me just tell you from girl to girl - stop, be patient, and trust in the Lord.

The Lord is good to those who trusts in Him,
So it is best for us to wait in patience - to wait for him to save us-
And it is best to learn this patience in our youth.
Lamentations 3:25-27

I won't tell you that learning to be patient is easy because it isn't always. Especially when you're an adolescent or young adult craving the idea of having someone to love.

It's in our nature to want that companion and to have someone we can love unconditionally and care for and have those actions returned.

But what I can tell you is that when you do choose to wait on the Lord, that His plan will be so much better than you can and will ever imagine. When you choose to wait in His timing and focus on Him, He will prepare you to be the wife that you are called to be.

You will be a woman who embodies what a Proverbs 31 woman is, a woman who is faithful and strong among other qualities.

You might be thinking that "of course this is easy for you to say because you're married". You might even assume that I just couldn't possibly understand, but I do.

I watched all of my friends date in high school. Even my two little sisters had their first serious relationships at the ages of 15 and 16.

I wanted so bad to understand what it was like to have a boyfriend and to have someone who would pursue and love me, but I didn't know what it meant honestly.

I was 19 when I ever entered my first relationship.

I couldn't believe that someone actually was interested in me. I was terrified for many reasons. And up front, I had to let him know that he could never be first because Christ would always be.

Side note: we had been friends for several months before either one of us admitted to potential feelings.

I tried repeatedly to push him away and allowed insecurities to interfere with dates and important events to him. I still regret some of those decisions I made because seeing the hurt it brought him was overwhelming.

But God is faithful and all knowing.

After four years together, this man is now my husband.

It was not always easy.

I hurt him more times than I wish I could admit. I said things that I should never have said. He never did anything to hurt me.

He never said anything he would've regretted.

Marriage is by far one of the most rewarding experiences I have had and it's only been eight months.

It is absolutely not easy and grand all the time. Life has changed dramatically from what the both of us new before.

We had to get used to living together and share one bathroom (make sure you always have two).

But patience and trust in Lord are what prepared to be the best wife that I could be. There will always be moments where I can improve and grow, as for him as well.

There is no way that I would've ever just assumed that I was ready for this. To this day while I know that I wanted to be married one day I can't say that if that someone asked me I could've 100% said: "yes, I am absolutely ready to be married".

When my husband got down on one knee and proposed to me while I was sweating and wearing the same exact thing from the day before I couldn't believe it.

I was so ecstatic, but also fearful.

However, I knew that he was the one and that God had prepared the two of us in His perfect timing. Neither one of us even wanted to date anyone until we knew they would be the one.

While we truly didn't know if that would happen nor if it were meant to be, I believe wholeheartedly that by being patient and allowing Christ to work in me He showed me what I deserved and prepared us for the other.

Today, I encourage you beautiful and sweet ladies who just feel like they're ready for marriage and crave that love and affection to just sit quietly in the Lord's presence and trust in Him and His timing. Know that you are being prayed for by others who have been in your shoes and know how hard it can be.

Pray that He shuts the doors that are meant to be shut and gives you the peace and patience that you so need. It is in our nature to desire love from others, but I can tell you that seeking the Lord is so much sweeter.

When you focus on Him and the infinite love that He has for you, your life will be so much more joyful.

As you rest in Him and realize that He is truly all you need, you will begin to watch Him transform your life before your eyes and when He brings that incredible person into your life it will be one of the most amazing and joyous feelings.

Seek Him in all things and find rest in His love. He will show you the desires of your heart when you place your trust in Him and He will prepare you for the love that you deserve.

You are a beautiful woman who deserves the absolute best and I pray that you who may be struggling with finding the patience and ability to trust in Him will be able to do so and with help from encouragement around you.

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