6 Tips To Improve The Quality Of Your Sleep
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6 Tips To Improve The Quality Of Your Sleep

Hectic schedules, late meals, and unhealthy nighttime routines can diminish the quality of your sleep, but try these simple tips to sleep more soundly.

6 Tips To Improve The Quality Of Your Sleep
Pixabay via Pexels

As much as we would like, not everyone gets the same amount of sleep every day. Work schedules, schools assignments, extracurricular activities -- whatever the case may be, all contribute to reducing our quality of sleep. If sleep is not prioritized in our daily lives, then we risk going to work with facial edema (swelling), or feeling groggy and uneasy all day, which is never an enjoyable experience -- but life does not have to be so difficult.

As long as you make an effort to prioritize sleep along with your other important tasks for the day, then perhaps you will no longer have to deal with consistent irritableness or lack of energy throughout the day. Of course, this is not so simple with technology at arm's reach and deadlines to meet but fear not. There are countless articles about the different strategies to help you sleep much more soundly but here you will find six of the ones that have been effective for me and those I know. If you are like the many that use your phone as an alarm, tiptoe to the fridge when midnight hunger strikes, or spend hours streaming online media until you realize its 1 a.m. in the morning, then these tips are for you.

1. Set your phone as far from your bedside as possible.

I know, I know. You use your phone as your alarm because that's the only alarm you have. I do it too! However, keeping your phone near you increases the chances that you'll check your phone as soon as a notification rings. Once that happens, you are sure to find yourself browsing through your apps, and who knows how long that will take. Dedicating more time to your devices will just diminish the amount of focus given to sleep. Therefore, remove your phone from arm's reach to remove the temptation to mindlessly scroll through it. When your alarm rings in the morning, you'll be forced to get up, which may help you stay up since the effort was already made to do so. Keeping the phone away reduces the risk of losing time for a full night's rest.

2. Use your bed for sleep and only sleep.

Trust me on this. Wake up, make your bed, and then take on the day without laying back down to "chill" or watch Netflix. Your bed was made for sleep, but if you spend time sitting or laying on it while doing your typical daily activities, then your brain will no longer associate your bed with sleep time. Instead, your bed may seem more like another chair or desk that you do your work on than a place for comfort. Associations are really powerful, so try to rewire your brain into associating bed with slumber, and you'll be sure to nod off soon after you find yourself laying on your comfy comforter.

3. Sleep around the same time each night.

This may seem straightforward, but it is actually helpful to go to sleep at a specific time each night because this creates a routine that will allow you to sleep enough hours each day that your body needs to rejuvenate. If this seems too difficult to follow then that's okay! Not everyone can relate to set schedules. For those of you who don't know when it is a good time to go to sleep, do not worry. Simply go to sleep when your body craves it (assuming you're not staying up past midnight every night). Your body, just as it knows when it is thirsty, will also tell you when its time to doze off. So just listen to your body and sleep when you find yourself slowly shutting your eyes from a long day of work.

4. Do not eat right before you head to bed (only if it hinders rather than helps).

Food is energy, even "comfort foods" so you should not expect to sleep soundly if you just ate a large heavy meal. Think about it: you wake up to eat for energy for the day and by midday your craving something else to keep your body energized. Then dinner of course just knows how to hit the spot for that last satisfying boost after a hard day of work. That being said, if you eat right before you go to sleep, your body will have just been nourished for energy and will still be digesting, not only the food you ate earlier in the day but also the food you just consumed. If you suffer from heartburn, acid reflux, or any issues with indigestion that could keep you from having a comfortable sleep, just eat three hours ahead of the time you know you'll be sleeping. If eating before bed actually helps you to sleep quickly and better, then by all means, do what works for you.

5. Avoid caffeine in the late afternoon.

Caffeine is a stimulant and no one should be stimulated when trying to sleep. This, in turn, can also lead to insomnia or irregular sleep schedules. According to the National Sleep Foundation, it will take you about six hours just to eliminate half of the caffeine you consumed. To prevent this, try consuming caffeine only in the morning or early evening so that your stomach is not still attempting to break it down as you sleep. If you ingest caffeine at night, your sweet dreams will have to be put on hold longer than you might like in order to properly eliminate the stimulant from your system.

6. Relax your environment.

It is important to unwind after a stressful or hectic day of activities so focus your energy on your breathing and let your mind go blank. Think of nothing, or at least try not to, and instead think about how comfortable your room is or about the warmth of the sheets you are in. Maybe even think of something that brings a smile to your face or a place that makes you calm. Dim the lights of your room, practice a small nighttime ritual if you have one, and then once you feel fully relaxed, completely darken the room and head to bed.

Your sleep is bound to improve if you really prioritize it and attempt to create an environment that welcomes a deep slumber -- without distractions or worries. Try a few of these tips that have worked for many, including me, and you might just find the quality of your sleep significantly improved and much more satisfying.

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