Will these Tips help you before a College Test?
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Student Life

Will these Tips help you before a College Test?

Learning some perfect studying tips that will be worth it and bring you a long way.

Will these Tips help you before a College Test?

We’ve all had those moments in class where we sit there and stare blankly at the board (a nod here and there) while the professor writes and drones on and on about whatever subject we paid to hear. And the next moment the professor is done talking and this happens…

Some Scenario that is bound to happen in our lives… :/

Blink blink, whoa how did he get that answer? I'm sure I was paying attention just now..., well looking at the board with glazed eyes doesn't really count. It's alright, I'll catch up now that I’m paying attention. Holy Moley, he's in too deep, he's waving his hands and everything, he has a smile on his face meaning it's important or it's just extra stuff, oh crap I'm so dead! Lord why can't I pay attention? Oh I know what I'll do! I'll binge study for the test the night before and I'll be sure to get an A…hopefully.

These moments are our breaking points, because we motivate ourselves and are broken when we get such a low grade, but that’s because we don’t put in the required effort for the high grade we want. Now I know every student has heard some of these tips more than once in their lifetime, and it gets annoying as hell, because you say you’re going to do it, but you never do. So here are some newer tips that may or may not help you on any incoming test.

  • Find out when your test is and set a specific time a week ahead and study.
    It’s been a debate that studying at nighttime has a greater benefit than studying in the daytime. It’s quieter, less distractions, the library is deserted, and nighttime opens creative thoughts! (You know when you think about your past and stuff.) This type of studying has helped me, because I know after I do this, I go straight to bed and wake up in the morning balancing a chemical equation or remembering what diffusion is (I kid you not!). I've done it before and I felt so refreshed and assured that I have got this test down! But everybody has their own preference, just make sure your area is well lite.
  • Rewrite, rewrite, and more rewriting your notes. (repetition really works man) YES! Rewrite everything, because this is a form of studying! Get out your pencils, pens and even colored pens (it’s not childish to have these) and start rewriting from the first day of notes. Use those colored pens to underline, title and write side notes that you and your professors think is important! Sit down and take your time to do this and read out loud as you write them so you can process this information! Write down all the definitions (go into detail because you never know) with examples and pictures (even if you can’t draw).
  • No music or phones. You may think it helps even at the lowest volume,but it really doesn’t. This is a form of multi-tasking and you may think this is an awesome skill, but it is just training your mind not to be focused on one thing, but multiple things at once, and when you are studying you want to be focused on just studying. (I know Twenty one pilots new song Heathens is popping but chill, you gotta work) Throw your phones away, literally.
  • When in doubt, use the test against itself.

    An old teacher of mine, gave me this advice and I for sure stuck with it. When it comes to that day and you’re semi-confident in yourself, use this piece of advice. Those definitions that you should have been writing down may come in handy, because some teachers on the test use definitions for the answers and a couple questions later, that word could be in the question. If you remember you just did this on the test, go back and look at it and see if it can help you answer your current question.

  • Practice problems.

    I’m telling you, you about to wake up in the morning saying Avogadro’s number equals this, this and that, if you study later in the day before bed. Take some problems and practice!

  • “Improve learning by thinking of learning,” by Todd Zakrajsek

    This Ted Talk will help you understand some things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYg3sLcyLB8

Now we all have to fail in life to achieve something greater, so don’t feel down if you failed your first test. I can admit that I got a straight up 39.8% on my first test. (Oh Lord, sorry Mommy.) Take that test, keep it somewhere safe and make sure from then on out you don’t binge study and that every other test will be higher than the one you failed. Try studying in the morning or night for a week and see which one works for you, but don’t switch between day and night studying each day. Don’t overwork yourself studying! Every 50 mins, rest your eyes and do something else! And always remember have fun studying, don’t stress yourself out with all that cramming.

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