3 Things That Will Help You Be Happy In Life
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3 Things That Will Help You Be Happy In Life

I've learned the hard way that you can't change people, it's a good thing to enjoy life, and God's love is always dependable.

3 Things That Will Help You Be Happy In Life
"Evil’s greatest triumph may be its success in portraying religion as an enemy of pleasure when, in fact, all the things we enjoy are the inventions of a Creator who lavished them on the world." G.K. Chesterton

Here are three things that pertain to really enjoying life through this Christmas season, into the year 2017, and beyond. I won't call them keys to happiness since I'm not an expert. But through experience, I've learned these things do help and are rather important. First is that we should not try to fix someone's problems for them. We can meet a need, but we cannot fix the person.

Secondly, enjoy life and let's stop acting as if pleasure is a bad thing. Lastly, live in God's love. If we remember these three things, not only will the holiday blues likely not be nearly as tragic but next year could be full of wonder and joy.

To the first point, we should not try to fix people. Some people are just beyond our reach. Some loneliness is too fierce for me to relieve for someone. Some pain is too deep for me to heal in others. Some people's habits and addictions are frankly none of my business. I'm too desperate for grace myself to be a constant guiding conviction and hugely healing conduit to others. I just want to love people. I want to love unconditionally, but I'm not the Savior.

So in my imperfect love that I poorly express through my timidity, weaknesses, and miscommunication, I hope to do some good. I have learned that I did not die on the cross so I cannot save you or anyone else just as I am not able to save or to change or to heal myself. The one who died for us was Someone much greater. But maybe He can use me.

I love you, but I can't change you and I shouldn't attempt it. I'm no superman. I'm a ragamuffin that has a big heart but a fallen nature. Even if I was superhuman, could I save you? No.

So I've decided to stand aside and let the Lord save you. Maybe if I love as well as I can and allow you to depend on my friendship but not exhaust me of all I have to give, maybe then you'll find grace. Maybe you'll be healed. Maybe you'll feel loved. But only your Creator gives it like no other and if He uses me in some small way I think that's great. His furious, relentless, unapologetic, affectionate and unconditional love is all you need.

Turn. Surrender. Rest. Receive. Enjoy life. If you receive the gift of God's grace in Jesus then you can offer that to those you want to help in life, but even then please don't try to change them. You will exhaust yourself, your relationship, and your hope. Leave them in God's hands and you rest.

Secondly, as Brennan Manning said and I also believe, "God will not ask you if you saved people when you get to heaven. He won't ask you if you sinned little. He won't ask you how much you spent. He will ask, 'How much did you live?' And that will be the account we give."

Yes, we must share the Good News of The Man of Sorrows, the resurrected Messiah, Jesus the King, both in word and in action. And yes, we must give to the poor and care for the broken. And yes, we must serve one another. But all of that is living, and living out of joy and gratitude, not duty.

Don't forget to enjoy the fajitas, the lasagna, the sunshine, the friendships, the movies, the landscapes, the laughter, the memories, the salad, the rain storm, the melting snow, the pet who shares your home, the song on the radio, the family you receive Christmas cards from (or don't), and the grass beneath your feet. God cares about whether you enjoy those things. They are part of His gift of life to you, the experience of life. Too often we as Christians think it's not godly to enjoy life, to take pleasure in living. By avoiding life we are saying God's gift isn't holy enough for us. That's a shameful thought.

So live "barefoot," live free, live well, experience life and depend on Him. Give God a hug tonight and thank Him for your journey. Though it's not been an easy one, it's been full of goodness. Jump in His arms and know the warmth of His hugs. Don't pray and repent first. He would much rather you know the forgiveness and friendship of His love by trusting Him and coming to Him boldy in need of grace, than to come with your trust in religion and tradition trying to put on your spiritual make-up before spending time with Him. Even if you don't think you know Him, He'd accept you.

And lastly, remember that God is good even in the middle of the heartache and rage. He is not the author of confusion, of tragedy, of difficulty, or of hardship. He is the Deliverer.

Not too long ago I wrote about a friend who killed herself. She was hanging herself while we texted, without letting me know what was happening, not because of me, but still it was incredibly difficult. Another person that same month asked me for prayer in a crowded retail store. I dropped everything and she cried on my shoulder as we prayed. She shot herself a week later.

I'm not writing this to depress you. I'm saying I know how tempting it is to want to save people. I know how tempting it is to say life isn't worth living. I know how tempting it is to let depression suffocate the joy and pleasure of living. I know how religion can blind us from God's goodness because of our own foolish attempts at holiness.

Too many in the holiday season feel there is no hope. Share this article to your social network so others can find hope. I know not everyone believes the same way I do, but still, there is truth in what I'm saying here. It's not your fault if you feel alone and sad and it's not your friend's fault if he or she feels that way.

Don't stigmatize depression. If you're the person who feels depressed or suicidal I encourage you to turn to a pastor and ask for prayer. Heck, you can even send me a note. Either way, you still need to talk to someone through one of the resources here. Do it now please:

Crisis Text Line: Text 741-741 from anywhere in the USA, anytime, about any type of crisis.

Lifeline Crisis Chat: Chat online with a specialist who can provide emotional support, crisis intervention, and suicide prevention services.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Know God's love. And as you do, if you've been like me and have felt obliged to save others, just stop. You can't do it. If you've been like me and you've fallen prey to depression and loneliness in your life, seek help. If you've been like me and you've doubted that God is good and wants us to enjoy life, think again.

Pray. Live. And smile in the rays of God's glory.

I've learned the hard way that you can't change people, it's a good thing to enjoy life, and God's love is always dependable. These three things allow for a happy life. Vow with me, "I won't try to change other people. I will learn to enjoy the good things in life including the Savior. I will experience God's love because in it is where I can find real joy, real peace, and my loneliness is comforted."

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