5 Reasons Why Randall and Beth From "This Is Us" Are The Ultimate Power Couple | The Odyssey Online
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5 Reasons Why Randall and Beth From "This Is Us" Are The Ultimate Power Couple

Randall and Beth Pearson are my favorite couple and here is why.

5 Reasons Why Randall and Beth From "This Is Us" Are The Ultimate Power Couple

"This is us" recently returned to NBC for their third season on Tuesday, September 25. My roommate and I are huge fans of the series and we were counting down the days until it came back on. Tuesdays have turned into a roomie night where we watch the show on our floor while eating some type of delicious dessert.

There have only been two episodes so far and there have already been so many plot twists. During each episode, we have found ourselves saying multiple times, "I love Randall" or "Beth is fabulous." So I think it is safe to say that Beth and Randall Pearson are our favorite characters -- and also favorite couple.

Here's a list of five reasons why Randall and Beth are THE ultimate power couple.

1. They hype each other up

Beth and Randall are constantly encouraging each other. In the past episode (S3xEp02), Beth had a big proposal she was working on for work. She was really stuck on it for a while but Randall continued to remind her that she could do it. It is also shown by the fist bumps and high fives that the couple share after their accomplishments. You can also see this by more subtle things that they do, like making compromises for the other person. Randall said in season two, episode 1, "We don't follow one another. We don't push our own plans on each other. We adjust our plans together." I think this shows the deeper way of how they support and encourage each other.

2. They both try to do more to help other people

I see this aspect of their relationship in two major places in the series. One of these is when they opened their home to Randall's biological father, William. They helped him with his medical expenses and different things that he needed throughout that the last year of his life. After William died, the couple also became a foster home. They had one child stay with them, a teenage girl named Deja. She is still living with them in the current season. They are also always there to help their family and their community.

3. They have a good way of communicating

Randall and Beth have always been open and honest about what they are thinking. You see this during many serious conversations throughout the series. When Randall wanted to adopt, Beth was a little uncertain about it. This caused a little bit of tension, but it didn't last long before they were talking it out and sharing what was on their mind. The same thing happened when William, as well as Kevin, stayed with them. They have talked through many disagreements, always in a calm and honest manor.

4. They know their relationship is not perfect

Randall and Beth went through a little bit of a rough patch during season two. In one particular episode (S2xEp01), Randall said "We are perfectly imperfect." They are well aware that they have troubles in their marriage, just like every other couple does. They always fight through it together. I think this is a big part as to why they are so admirable. They know that they don't have it all together and they don't try to act like they do. They take it as it is and they make the best out of things.

5. You can see how they love each other in the way they interact

You can see the love that Beth and Randall have in just the little moments they share. This can be seen by the way they look at each other, the smiles they share or the way that they love their kids. They finish each other's thoughts and know what the other person is thinking. Beth is feisty, caring, and put together. Randall is stubborn, sweet, and understanding. They are very different, but they complete each other. They are two halves that make a perfect whole.

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1. You don't have to feel guilty about flirting with customers for tips (or just for shits and giggles).

2. You can be obnoxiously flirtatious with anyone you want. You are free to be that girl that flirts with everybody and makes 'em all smile (it's especially fun when the guy is as cute as Collin Jost). No shame.

3. Making random men nervous with your superior beauty and intense eye contact just for the hell of it is really amusing and empowering.

4. No one gives two poops if ya legs are hairy (your man shouldn't either but *Kermit the Frog meme* That's none of my business)

5. The toilet seat will remain down.

6. There's more money to spend on yourself.

7. There's always this secret butterfly in your tummy that marvels at the possibility that when you go out this weekend you're gonna meet someone super handsome/wonderful/prince-like and have this moment of dazzling dalliance.

8. Nothing is that serious...you can take it all with a grain of salt...you don't owe anybody anything.

9. You can dance with anyone and everyone...or no one (Hello frat boi w/ glasses, I see you).

10. You don't have to fluff anyone's ego but your own.

11. Free drinks and dinners from single guys (It's not taking advantage if they're offering; a girl's gotta eat).

12. You have more time to learn how to love and improve yourself rather than constantly pouring your energy into another person.

13. You don't have to sacrifice your cheesy Jen Aniston rom-coms and Gilmore Girls for his Fast and Furious/other dumb action movie featuring blonde that is only in the movie to supply a relationship to the male lead and to make him look more masculine/empowered in juxtaposition (In other words, you don't have to deal with a guy being a crabby Patty while you watch your cute movies).

14. You can daydream about what your future husband may be doing right now (and not get stressed/guilty out because you're not picturing your current boyfriend that's crazy about you as your future husband).

15. There is more time to be spent with your girlfriends.

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