How The Olympics Motivate Me, As A Non-Athlete
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How The Olympics Motivate Me, As A Non-Athlete

How the Rio games have motivated me outside the realm of athletics.

How The Olympics Motivate Me, As A Non-Athlete
Getty Images, abc News

Following my high school graduation, I was still feeling the effects of “senioritis.” With college a few months away, I believed I had some time to relax, sleep, and hang out with friends before I started getting in my work mode. It is alright to take it easy and enjoy yourself in the summer, but I was not prioritizing my exercise routines and I was not practicing violin as much as a future performance major should. I lacked the motivation to get my instrument out of the case, and I only got off my butt to do some cardio occasionally. Now I have less than a week until move-in, and I am more hyped than ever to get going again.

What ignited this spark? Many think that my excitement about college is the answer, and that might be a contributing factor. But honestly, the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio are what have inspired me these last few weeks of summer. Now, I am not going to school on an athletic scholarship (I am a violinist for heaven’s sake) and I am by no means an Olympic athlete. Of course, watching the swimming finals and gymnastics competitions has inspired me to get in better shape and work out a few times a week. In college, I want to avoid the “freshman fifteen” at all costs. Also, I want to look good and feel good, so the Rio games have served as my motivation in my health and fitness pursuits.

However, I think the 31st Olympiad has inspired me in the non-athletic ways, too. Golden athletes like Michael Phelps and Simone Biles train for hours and hours every week to achieve their goals and set higher ones for the future. Their dedication and incredible work ethic enables them to make their dreams a reality, and I could use that same diligence in my musical studies. Music is one of my greatest passions and I love performing, but there are many times when I lack the incentive to practice for several hours. After watching athletes dominate in their respective events, it reminds me of concerto competitions in which I have participated. I remember listening to people play the hardest pieces with impeccable intonation, gorgeous vibrato, and beautiful sound production. It was an honor competing with these musicians. Furthermore, it enabled me to realize that if I work hard and stay focused on achieving my artistic goals, I can improve and become a better violinist.

Not only have the games inspired me in my artistic endeavors, but they have pushed me to excel in my academics. Swimmer Maya Dirado graduated from Stanford before heading to Rio and winning four medals, and nineteen-year-old Katie Ledecky is attending the same university after winning five medals. So not only have these world-class athletes dominated in their Olympic events, but they have excelled academically as well. It again shows me that anything is possible with self-discipline, motivation, hard work, and time management.

As I go into my freshman year at Converse College, I have a few things to keep in mind. First, there are always going to be people that establish many “firsts” on campus, like the youngest to receive a certain award or the first to intern at a particular program. In a way, these parallel Olympic firsts and new world records. These success stories might intimidate us, but they should not discourage us by any means. Like these hard workers, we have to be confident in ourselves that we can become whoever we want to be. We cannot let our personal fears dictate our future or our capabilities.

Furthermore, while you need breaks every once in a while to rejuvenate, don’t take too long of a hiatus, as it is hard to get back in the swing of things. Training and practicing are not always fun, but remind yourself that the time and effort you put into your work will pay off. Finally, do not limit yourself. Take other classes, join clubs, run for student office, or grab a part-time job. The possibilities for success are endless.

To all of you athletes and non-athletes, I offer the same advice: Have the mindset of an Olympian.

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