12 Things Only FFA Members Will Understand
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12 Things Only FFA Members Will Understand

Other then National Blue and Corn Gold being our favorite color. FFA members have a lot in common.

12 Things Only FFA Members Will Understand
Lisandra Mejia

Thanks to The National FFA Organization's Instagram post on “You know you’re an FFA member when...” When I wrote this article there had been 607 comments from members, alumni, and advisors. This just shows that not only does FFA impact your life while a member, but it continues throughout life whether its memories, life lessons or stories to tell anyone you encounter. Here are just a couple of responses to the post:

1. "Stationed by..."

“Madam vice president are all officers at their stations?” I don’t think I need to continue, but if you did parliamentary procedure or was an officer for no matter what level. You know where you was stationed and what it meant to withhold that position.

2. You speak the words of Parli Pro

Out of everything you learned from “Roberts Rules of Order” point of order was probably your favorite thing to call at a meeting. If you’re like me you’ve been found guilty of using parliamentary procedure in other classes and have been looked at by other students, because no one understood the language of Parli Pro.

3. "The first time"

The moment you put the stiff blue corduroy jacket on was one of the best moments of your life. I can remember getting mine for the first time. I had been wearing one that I borrowed from my chapter, but when my jacket came in and my Ag teacher put it on me, that feeling is one I will never forget.

4. You miss school a lot

Whether it’s for national convention or a CDE competition, members miss a lot of school. Missing school sounds awesome and well it is...most of the time. When you get back from a week of only getting 3 hours of sleep and walking and learning constantly, when you get home all you want to do is sleep; but wait you have 4 math assignments 3 biology quizzes and a reading guide due for English. Make up work is a pain in the butt, but it is so worth is for all the experiences you get when you're gone with FFA.

5. CDE's have taken over your life

Although it is soil instead of dirt, I can agree 100% with this statement. I am currently on the parliamentary procedure team and land judging team. When we say we wake up at the break of dawn to judge soil then that’s what we mean. If you ask anyone that does a CDE they would say they choose CDE work over homework any day. By the way CDE stands for Career Development Event for those that are new to the organization.

6. "Pantyhose" need I say more

Alright all my girl members can agree that you always have to have an extra pair of pantyhose near by. When you're walking around an arena or hallway and you look down and there is a run in your pantyhose is one of the most frustrating moments of official dress. After going through 50 pairs of nylons you're ready to throw in the towel and buy black pants for your official dress.

7. You have become close with your chapter

I often refer to my chapter as a FFAmily. I know cheesy right, but seriously though we are a family. All of us that wear the blue jacket we have all taken on the responsibility and honor of the FFA. I have met so many people through FFA along with meeting my best friend through an Ag class at my school. I’m sure most people can agree you are close with your chapter. I mean who else are you going to sing “Don’t Stop Believing” at the top of your lungs with. You can’t do that with random people on the side of the road. Trust me it doesn’t work.

8. You get asked random Ag questions

No we do not know every type of plant or cow there is in the world, but do we have an understanding of how they work and the basic breeds or types. Yes, we do but we are not experts. We can answer questions like who invented the steel plow? What is a female sheep called? Most members can answer them and a lot more questions related to Ag, but if you walk up to someone and say what is the common name for the “Ribes malvaceum var. Viridifolium “Ortega Beauty” they are probably going to look at you like you have two heads.

9. You "Believe"

“Achievements won by the present and past generations of agriculturalist” You believe to live and work on a good farm. You believe in leadership from yourself and respect from others. You believe in less dependence on begging and more power in bargaining. You also believe that American agriculture can and will hold true to the best traditions for our national life. The creed is the belief statement for the FFA, that defines how FFA members mingle with others.

10. Your Ag knowledge overthrows your other knowledge

If you're riding down the road and see a Dogwood or another plant that you love; you will probably pull off to the side of the road and look at it, and maybe even take it home. Like in the other point a lot of your friends think you are an expert on anything Ag related. Which is sometimes true. Sometimes though our Ag instincts overpower our common sense. How can you enjoy a movie without knowing what kind of holly is in the background, I mean come on.

11. Your "other friends"

Many members have friends that are not in FFA which is totally fine. Sometimes though if you are at lunch and don’t have any FFA friends with you, you will start telling your stories and the creed to your friends. Either way your other friends know you are in FFA and know you are passionate about it. But if you overwhelm them with all your FFA and Ag knowledge they are going to get tired of hearing about FFA this and FFA that. So be sure not to push it on them too much, because it is an amazing organization but sometimes people get tired of hearing the same stories.

12. "Middle of a memory"

Of course I had to use the Cole Swindell song, we got to see him at Nationals so why not. With your chapter and maybe your region you have made so many memories with them and you will never forget them. I have been blessed with an amazing chapter and fellow officer team and I know most members can agree with me when I say this. My chapter is my second family. I know all of them and we just have a great time when we are together.

If you can agree with this article in anyway please feel free to share with your other FFA friends so they can relate. Also, if you think I should do a part two to things only FFA members will get be sure to comment and let me know!

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