7 Forever Lessons I Learned From My Long-Term Boyfriend
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7 Forever Lessons I Learned From My Long-Term Boyfriend

My boyfriend has helped me become the confident, strong, curious woman I am.

7 Forever Lessons I Learned From My Long-Term Boyfriend
Emily Nina

I've been with my boyfriend, Austin, for almost three years now and couldn't be happier. Because we started dating when I was still in high school, he's seen me through an incredibly transformative time in my life. I went from a junior taking the SAT's, to deciding what university to attend, to being an intern at a design firm in Seattle, to my first college final in just our first two years of dating. To say he's been influential in helping shape who I am as a young woman today would be an understatement.

Through all these changes and newness, he's always been there to support me and end each day with a long chat about life. I was able to learn so much about myself and the world I live in, by sharing my experiences with someone I love and trust.

Here are just a few of the most important things I've learned about myself, life, and love, because of Austin:

1. You can't please everybody.

Though this is no new concept, it took a long time for me to be comfortable with the fact that no matter how hard I tried, I would never be able to make everyone happy.

Whether I was trying to impress my boss by staying late at work while skipping out on a night with friends, or giving up a family dinner to spend a much needed evening alone, Austin helped talk me through every scenario. I was finally able to be okay with the fact that the only person I really need to make happy is myself.

2. I actually really like cats.

Before I met Austin, I was a dog person all the way and thought cats were mean and annoying. Then, I met his little furball named Sox, and my cold heart was thawed to the adorable little kitties.

We just recently adopted a cat together named Cecelia, and she's basically my best friend. If it weren't for Austin, I wouldn't have come to know the joy of writing an article while my cat sits on my head, kneading my hair.

3. My mind and body are beautiful, and not just because he says so.

One of my biggest priorities is self-love and appreciation. I believe that you'll be able to love others a lot better if you love yourself first. I have become infinitely more confident over the past few years, and I owe that to the faultless support of my boyfriend.

Even though compliments are nice to hear, it's the way he encourages me to accept and embrace myself beyond his words that help me love myself better. If I'm ever having an off day or feeling down on myself, he'll encourage me to not just listen to his compliments, but to genuinely compliment myself and reflect on my achievements and ideas to remind myself of my personal appreciation.

4. It's okay to let loose sometimes.

Anyone who knows me will know that I can get a bit... serious. I think I'm being down-to-business and motivated when in reality I'm just missing out on some fun. Austin taught me that tossing my daily to-do list can actually make me feel better sometimes (and dancing in the grocery store at midnight is always a good idea).

Small, silly pleasures like these used to pass me by, but now I'm more aware and open to the possibilities of tiny bits of fun in my life. Thanks to the funniest guy I know.

5. I *need* to eat three full meals plus a snack every day or all hell will break loose.

Seriously, before Austin noticed how much my mood relates to my food intake, I was a raging b**** if I hadn't eaten by 11 a.m., and had no idea why (if I even noticed). Now I'm able to eat healthier, more filling meals, and stay in a good mood all day.

And if I ever skip breakfast, I'll be reminded by a gentle, "babe, have you eaten today?" following my unprompted stress-fit over one tiny inconvenience. Which, may sound a little extra, but it really helps me stay on track and I always appreciate the small act of concern for my health.

6. You can always change your mind.

I am a very particular, detail-oriented person and like things to go according to plan. But, obviously, that doesn't always (usually) happen. So, new decisions have to be made and I have to change my mind when I thought it was already made up.

Whether it be something as small as switching outfits last minute because the weather changed, or as life-altering as going back and forth between college choices, Austin shows me that it's okay to go back on things if it will be better in the long run.

7. Life is really exciting, so don't blink because you might miss it.

If I had to pick the single most important thing that Austin's taught me, it would be that you can't let life pass you by. Even if it's just an impromptu picnic, he always makes sure we take advantage of what's around us, and never miss out on an opportunity to make a day memorable.

There are so many little moments I'll always remember being glad I didn't miss out on because my boyfriend made sure I knew how important it was to cherish our time here together.

* * *

Though this doesn't even begin to cover the lessons I've learned from him, these are a few of the most important things Austin's taught me over our almost-three years together. From random discoveries to deeply-resonating epiphanies, my boyfriend has helped me become the confident, strong, curious woman I am, and for that, I am forever grateful.

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