Everybody has those days where after just minutes of waking up, something happens to makes your day just down right suck. Whether it's something as small as spilling your morning coffee on yourself, or the traffic jam that caused you to be 45 minutes late, or having a disagreement with a friend. It's hard to get out of the slump once you're in it, but there's a couple things you can do to help get a little spring back in your step.
1. Pamper Yourself
Run a bubble bath, light your favorite scented candle, put on some of your favorite music to relax to and just close your eyes. Take a couple deep breaths and just block out the outside world for 30 minutes. (and guys... don't think you cant take a bath just because it's "feminine." Take a note from Chandler Bing.)
2. Write
In a journal, in your iPhone app, on tumblr, wherever you want. Writing can be a great way to say what you need to say even if it is just for yourself.
3. Listen to Music
Music seems to be a great escape for many people. You can put in headphones and just forget whatever is bothering you for a just a little while. Music has the power to take you back to a certain memory or make you think of someone that makes you smile. Sometimes, just the voice of the singer/band you're listening to is enough to make you smile. (Ed Sheeran's "+" album is a favorite of mine.)
4. Call Someone
Call a friend or a family member to vent. You can't just keep all of your emotions inside even though that may seem like the simplest thing to do.
5. Have A Movie Marathon
Get a couple of your favorite movies, pop some popcorn, pull your 2 pound bag of gummy bears in close and just watch movies all day. I personally recommend Harry Potter, Oliver & Company, and any movie with Jim Carrey, Paul Rudd, or Ryan Reynolds.
6. Have a Good Cry
Let the waterworks go. As the lovely Ed Sheeran would say, "It's alright to cry, even my dad does sometimes. So, don't wipe your eyes. Tears remind us we're alive."
7. Tumble Your Feelings Away
Tumblr can be a place to reblog slow motion videos of dogs trying and failing to catch pizza slices in their mouths, but it's also place where many people post away their feelings. On tumblr, your user name doesn't have to do with your name at all, therefor, you can post how you're feeling without anyone who you actually know knowing. It's a website where I have seen so many people bond over struggles they deal with in life.
8. Tea
I'm not sure what it is about tea that makes me feel so much better. Maybe it's the aroma of the tea, or the warmth but it makes me stop to take a deep breath and just think of what I can do to fix whatever stressful situation I'm in. If you're not much of a tea drinker, hot chocolate with marshmallows to the rim will also do the trick. (My tea suggestion; Chai Tea Latte or Apple Cinnamon with an extra cinnamon stick in a cute mug.)
9. Be You
Do what you love. If you're someone who loves painting, paint until you're out of canvas'. If you love photography, go take pictures until you're out of film, (or iPhone memory.) Do whatever brings you joy.
I know everyone says this and it may sound cheesy and dumb to some people but please always remember that things do get better, it may take a while and it may feel like you have absolutely no fight left in you, but you do. By the famous words of the iconic theme song for "F.R.I.E.N.D.S" "When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month or even your year, I'll be there for you." Just take little steps towards your happiness and you'll find it. Also, always remember you're the bomb dot com, awesome sauce, and everything in between.