It's the time of the year for reminiscing. Freshman year was like no other, and I'm sad to see it go. We all came in little naive high-schoolers and now we're going out as sophomores in college. It was a year of growth for us, and boy did we do some growing. Here are a few things I learned.
1. They say that everyone grows up in college and that it’s nothing like high school, but people are going to be the same throughout life.
Don’t expect anything more of others now that we are all grown ups -- everyone is trying to figure out who they are and what they are doing with their life and what they want. No one is going to be 100 percent reliable and you have to understand that in order to protect yourself.
2. You will meet your lifelong friends here.
It might not be this year, but always keep an open mind and an open heart when meeting new people. You never know who is going to be at your wedding.
3. Only designate one pair of shoes for frat parties.
No matter how much a different pair matches your outfit before you go out, nothing matches mud, and you will regret dirtying a second pair in the morning.
4. Everyone is going to have a different major and everyone is going to think that their major is the hardest.
Accept that everyone here is working hard for their future and the amount of coursework and dedication you have is not a competition.
5. You must set aside time to clean.
Mom is not here anymore and things don’t magically get clean anymore. Make your bed, tidy up your workspace, and vacuum!! the!! floor!!
6. It is acceptable to wait until you have zero clean pairs of underwear left to do laundry.
But do not wait any longer after that.
7. Bagels in the dining hall or from the coffee shop are never going to be good.
No matter how many times you try to convince yourself otherwise.
8. It is very hard to see the board from the back of a lecture hall.
9. Keep some sort of granola or protein bar in your room.
You will need it when you are running late for class and don’t have time to get breakfast.
10. Your professors will put in as much effort as you do.
Take the time to get to know them, be it going to office hours or a simple, “Hi, how are you?” before or after class. Knowing your name and face will come in handy when you email them asking questions or for a minor extension on an assignment.
11. Keep an umbrella in your backpack.
Sunny mornings are not indicative of the day and it is not fun sitting through class in wet jeans.
12. Carry a water bottle.
Not really a reason for this, other than these are some of the best and most trying times of your life and you need as much help staying healthy as you can get.
13. Do not schedule more than three classes in a row.
Try to only keep it to two. Hunger. Sleep. Boredom.
14. Say yes. Say yes. Say yes.
You have no idea when the opportunity will rise again, so keep saying yes. You can sleep when you’re dead, and even then you will be too consumed with replaying your wonderful and exciting life to sleep.
15. Your life is not always going to be wonderful and exciting.
Some days, even some weeks, will drag. Remember that you are here for school and that sometimes you will have to say no. It’s all about balance.
16. Nothing is worth it if you’re not happy.
Don’t like a situation? Fix it. You are only here for four years so make sure you are happy.