The Top Five Failures By Politicians Or Legislatures In 2016
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The Top Five Failures By Politicians Or Legislatures In 2016

Yes 2016 was a crappy year but what was the worst part? From Flint to the presidential election, America has found a way to mess it all up

The Top Five Failures By Politicians Or Legislatures In 2016

Finally, 2016 is over and this terrible year is forever behind us. Throughout 2016 we have to endure politicians embarrassing our nation in the public eye for all to see. Finally, despite 2016 being a horrible year, let us take a little solace in shaming the worst of the worst. As more failures in American democracy became more evident, it becomes harder to determine what will hurt Americans the most.

For this list, I have tried to predict the five most embarrassing failures that occurred in the year of 2016 that can be directly linked to either one governing body (aka the legislature of a state or town) or one single politicians actions on a certain issue. While opinions may differ, I tried to keep the choices that were largely talked about in the press and affected or undermined a large majority of Americans.

5. Hillary shows her true colors, manages to lose to Donald Trump for the 2016 presidential election

Finally the presidential election is over and it turns out to be a shocker most Americans will remember for the rest of their lives. Both voters for and against Hillary Clinton were surprised to see her lose despite her poll numbers looking so good compared to those of Donald Trump. Of course this is due to the beer goggles of the establishment in American politics. These rich politicians and lobbyist live in a different world compared to those of an average American in any region of the United States. While they traverse large country clubs and skyscrapers everyday, people work, study, and live in harsher conditions; examples being Midwest states that are losing jobs, Flint Michigan with a lack of clean water, and all while struggling in a economy that is no longer able to support a stable middle class. Hillary manages on her own to throw an election because she rather court the concerns of lobbyist than that of an average American voter. While managing to throw an easy election, she showed her true colors of not caring about anyone other than herself or her cause by refusing to even give a concession speech once the results had been announced. Hopefully this is the last election we see with any Clinton listed on the ballot.

4. North Carolina Legislature passes one of the worst LGBT discrimination laws in American history

The odd part of this event is that this bill affected way more than just the LGBT community. While they were obviously the target for the bill and were unjustly discriminated, the decision passed by the legislature in North Carolina ended up affecting the well being of its citizens. After this bill was made law, many companies pulled their ventures from the state causing a loss of jobs, tax revenue for the state and the shameful spotlight in print media. It take a real moron to not only hurt those they dislike but to hurt themselves in the process. The 2016 dunce of year award can definitely be shouldered by North Carolina's Governor and Senate, they earned it.

3. Debbie Wasserman Schultz rigs the Democratic primary

While this event undermined a large progressive movement in the United States, Debbie Schultz actions ruined a already tainted trust in democracy here in the United States. Alienating the largest base in the democratic primary to push a former Goldwater girl over a real liberal in a party of liberals takes a great deal of stupidity and greed. Obviously Schultz had nothing but a promotion in mind while acting as the head of the Democratic National Committee which she would get after being removed after leaked emails showed collaboration between her and the Clinton campaign. Her actions have greatly decreased the trust in the democratic party which was already hanging by a thread.

2. DAPL, Indians land is stolen again and hired goons beat up and maim peaceful protesters

When someone asks you what are some of America's greatest failures as a nation, what comes to mind? For me that would go something like slavery (racism), civil war, internment camps, and the genocide of the native American people. Lest people forget American pioneers enslaved killed and stole the land of the native American tribes who lived on this land long before we did. The people of the Mayflower did not just happen to sail by a uninhabited continent free for the taking. They stole and-- quite literally-- took no prisoners while doing so. May I also remind everyone that we promised to never do that again... Well until we need a oil pipe line in North Dakota because what are treaties of peace really worth right? It so sad that we can make this mistakes again after learning the hard way the first time. Apparently North Dakota's legislative body did not take standard history classes in high school and now doom themselves to repeat what has already transpired. In addition to brutality of native American tribes there have been reports of hired security goons maiming our own civilians as well. In one case a protester lost her arm to a concussion grenade-- yes her arm gone forever for a pipe! We have to do better in 2017; we can not allow a corporation to undermine the health and well being of any individual whether they are part of our society or not because the last time I checked we were not savages.

1. Flint Michigan contaminated water

First off I want to say that Flint is not the only city here in America struggling to get clean water; places in Oklahoma are reported to have flammable water. Yes, flammable, as in they can take a lighter to their sink and create a literal flame thrower. This disaster has permanently effected many Americans-- most of which are children. These kids, now poisoned by their own leaders due to bad regulation standards, will end up costing way more money to deal with and reverse the damage then the money being spent on well actually regulating the actual water supply. Still to this day, many months later, Flint Michigan has yet to have a supply of clean water. So, we can drop a couple billion dollars worth of bombs on some country most people cannot find on a globe yet we are unable to ship three gallons of clean water a day to a small town in eastern Michigan? That is why Flint Michigan's water crisis is the biggest failure in 2016

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