The Someday Soundtrack | The Odyssey Online
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The Someday Soundtrack

Raise your hand if any of the following apply to you.

The Someday Soundtrack
Tori Sanders

Raise your hand if any of the following apply to you:

A. I have made an over-zealous, spur-of-the-moment, off-the-cuff bucket list.

B. I have dreams of traveling across the United States someday. (key word: someday)

C. I enjoy a good song now and again.

What's that? You raised your hand for A, B, and C?

If this is the case, then keep reading. What follows is the soundtrack to your adventure around the good ole' red, white, and blue - the 'Someday Soundtrack', if you will. Save this list and add to it. Make it better and make it perfect for the roadtrip you've always imagined. In the end, the idea is that you have a bucket list of tunes that you can cross off every time you sing a song in it's respective location. Finish the list, and you'll be enjoying a real 'Party in the USA'.

So dream on, travel on, sing on, my friends - adventure is out there.

1. Sweet Home Alabama (Lynyrd Skynyrd)

Check this song off the list in Birmingham, Alabama. The Southland is calling your name, and you must go.

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama - Lyrics IN Video ...

2. Walking in Memphis (Lonestar)

This city is saving a spot for you, ten feet off the ground. Check this feel-good song off the list on Beale Street in Memphis, Tennessee.

Walking in Memphis by Lonestar

3. Jackson (Johnny Cash and June Carter)

Check this song off the list in either Jackson, Tennessee or Jackson, Mississippi - which ever you think the song is about. In the end, all that matters is that you travel there, and that you travel there in a fever.

Johnny Cash & June Carter - Jackson

4. Carolina Can (Chase Rice)

Check this song off the list in Carolina - North or South. Both Mr. Rice and Mr. Taylor will appreciate your company.

5. Kansas City/ Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey (The Beatles)

Check this song off the list in Kansas City. Bonus points if you get your baby back while you're there.

The Beatles - Kansas City

6. Rocky Mountain High (John Denver)

Others may disagree, but the Rocky Mountain High is the best kinda high there is. Cathedral mountains and silver clouds are waiting - Check this song off the list from the top of a mountain in Colorado.

John Denver-"Rocky Mountain High"

7. Louisiana Saturday Night (Mel McDaniel)

Check this song off the list in Louisiana, preferably on a Saturday - but not a moment before you've kicked off your shoes and thrown them on the floor.

Mel McDaniel - Louisiana Saturday Night

8. Save Me, San Francisco (Train)

When you're tired of rock 'n' roll and disco, hitch a cable car to the 'City by the Bay'. Check this song off the list when the Golden Gate is in view.

Train - Save Me, San Francisco

9. California Girls (The Beach Boys)

The West coast has the sunshine, so why would you go anywhere else? Check this song off the list anywhere in California - you might even find Katy Perry while you're there.

Beach Boys California Girls

10. Texas (When I Die) (Tanya Tucker)

Take your body and soul to San Antone, even if you have to travel through all of hell first. Check this song off the list when you reach Texas (or Heaven, whichever comes first).

Tanya Tucker - Texas (When I Die)

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