The Love of God
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The Love of God

God's greatest joy is to show compassion to His children and to show grace, mercy, and love.

The Love of God

For a moment, let me plunge you into deep water. We all know God is love and that God does not want His own. Does this mean God created you to serve your own interests and not His? God isn't selfish. All things were made for His pleasure. His pleasure is to pour His love and compassion onto you and into your life and through you to other people. It is always more blessing to give than receive. God is no different. He provides, and we get.

God's greatest joy is to show compassion to His children and to show grace, mercy, and love. Our greatest joy is to show compassion, as we are made in God's image. It brings us the most happiness on earth. If you don't believe this, give it a try. This wonderful joy seems to blind us, and we are always looking for more to make our lives better. This attitude makes happiness seem impossible to reach and leaves us feeling empty when we finally achieve what we want. (Proverbs 14-21 KJV) ... He who has mercy upon the poor is happy.

God is Love. God is Love. Compassion is God's kind of Love. God's compassion manifests itself in His mercy, grace, pity, patience, loving-kindness, goodness, truth, forgiveness, justice, and faithfulness. John 3:16-17 NKJV "For God so loved this world, He gave His only begotten son that anyone who believes in Him would not die but have eternal life.

Jesus Christ showed true love by becoming a man on Earth to restore our relationship with God, who created us. Jesus stated in John 15:12-13 NKJV, "This is my commandment that you love each other as I have loved You." 13 "Greater love than this is for one another than to give one's life to help his friends.

One who knows God enjoys spending time with Him in prayer and basking in His presence. The person who knows God enjoys spending time with Him in His Word to learn new things about Him. Knowing God is the key to understanding everything about God. (Lamentations 3:21-26 NKJV). This is what I remember in my mind. Therefore, I have hope. 22. The Lord's mercy does not consume us because His compassions never fail. They are fresh every morning, and Your faithfulness is fantastic. 24 "The LORD IS my portion," says my heart, "Therefore, I hope in Him!" 26 It is good to wait and hope for the salvation of God.

(Hosea 6, 6 NKJV) I want mercy, not sacrifice. And the knowledge about God more than any burnt offering. God wants us to come to know Him and to accept His love. He also desires that we be a conduit for His compassion to flow. He promised that He would be found if we seek Him. Acts 17:26-28 (NKJV). "And He made every nation of men from one blood so that they could seek the Lord. Though He is not far from them, 27" "for He we live, move, and have our being.

We all know that God is the highest and most important thing we can love. (Matthew 22,37-38 NKJV) Jesus told him that he would love God above all things. We are to love God more than our family members. Matthew 10:37 NKJV. "He who loves his mother or father more than Me is not worthy." He who loves their child more than Me is not worthy.

You can free yourself from the dependence on other people when you place Jesus first in your daily life. God is your source for all your physical, spiritual, as well as emotional needs. This allows you to freely give love and compassion to those in your life that are important to you instead of relying on them to do so. In marriages, both spouses often look to their partner to meet their needs. The spouse feels unfulfilled and unhappy that they can't satisfy their needs. The other feels frustrated and unfulfilled.

It can lead to anger and resentment, as well as other problems such as selfishness. A good marriage will have compassion for the other and is open to giving rather than taking. Each person will get more enjoyment from giving than receiving. The Lord is their portion, their reward. He provides satisfaction and fulfillment and meets all their needs.

Jesus is the answer to your every need. This is an opportunity to grow in Him and become more dependent on Him. It also allows you to develop a greater love for Him as He comforts through the peace of His Holy Spirit. If your spouse, children, boss, or anyone else doesn't seem to value you enough or appreciate you enough, then take it to Jesus. He is the one for whom you work; everything we do, we must do unto him. Seek Jesus out and ask Him if He doesn't thank you more deeply than any other person.

Christian couples must realize that their eternal union is not in their physical union here on earth but Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the closest relationship we can have. He makes us one in Him forever. All who enter are our true and eternal family.

Your treasure is also where your heart is. Therefore, Jesus taught us to invest only in heavenly things. If two people marry and their hearts are in heaven, their hearts will be joined in heaven as one in Jesus Christ. This is the only way you can get a marriage made in heaven. Our physical blood relatives are temporary, but our blood relatives through Jesus' Blood are eternal.

It is essential to do all you can to support and nurture your spouse's and children's relationship in Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 54.13 NKJV). God will teach all your children, and great shall your peace be. It is stated that "your children will be taught of God" in the King James Version. Both statements are factual. Children need to be taught of the Lord by their parents. They will have more profound revelations about their Creator if they establish a relationship with him.

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