The Future Belongs To Those Who Change It
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The Future Belongs To Those Who Change It

Voting isn't only a right, it is a necessity.

The Future Belongs To Those Who Change It

A hot topic, I am sure most are sick of by now, is this year’s election. It’s in the news, it’s on the radio, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and occasionally on Saturday Night Live. What seems to be the biggest issue is the lack of motivation citizens have to vote for one of our primary candidates. Which is understandable, but concerning. Some may say they don’t like either candidate: Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump. I still encourage you to vote. I ask you to stop looking at the images these candidates have given themselves and start paying attention to their policies.

This president will step into office for four years, it is not promised they will be reelected and complete all eight. But, they will appoint people into the Supreme Court, who could remain there for forty years. This president will work out treaties and agreements with other nations concerning trade and the aid that the United States gives to needy countries. They will appoint ambassadors to represent the United States in foreign countries. This president will serve as the Commander in Chief of the armed forces.

Whether these fall in favor of republicans or democrats it is extremely crucial to our generation. And although 3rd party votes exist and are accepted, it is a subtle way of avoiding the election itself. A 3rd party candidate’s chances of winning are often slim to none. Personally, I do not think this is the election to want to vote 3rd party. We have two parties for two reasons; money and power. Now if you are arguing Jill Stein of the Green Party or Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party are the closest candidates you have that represent what you believe in, I respect that. But I will remind you: a third party nominee will never win a presidential election (at least not in OUR county). The future of this country will not be determined by Jill or Gary. These next four years will be modeled by Clinton or Trump. It would be wise to think through who you would rather be the next president and vote accordingly. To those who are neglecting to vote to protest “in a silent way,” I will not sugar coat that you are throwing away your vote. You should protest in a way you will be heard.

I also want to emphasize that voting was NOT initially for everyone and still isn’t! The right was later fought for by woman and people of color; shaping our country into the democracy it is today. The goal was to make the election fair. Why should we give up something that was fought for? We should we take advantage of the privilege other countries don’t have. Citizens should want to participate and contribute to American history. If everyone had this mindset that their vote “doesn’t matter” then there would be no election and our country would no longer be a democracy. And if in fact your vote does not matter, absentee ballots would not have been considered a necessity. The right to vote is a privilege that we should, as Americans keep alive. Voting will keep America just and free. Voting is our chance to have a say in what goes on in our country. For most of us this is the first election we will get to be apart of. Though it is not the most ideal one, we should still practice our right to vote.

To the graduating class, this might be your second but I want to remind you this presidency will be waiting for you after you cross that stage and step in the real world. Picture what other countries would do to have our democracy, what America would be if a vast majority simply decided not to vote because the candidates weren’t their favorite. What if citizens threw away their vote on such an important election by decided to vote towards a party that has no voice, power, or chance in winning. This election is one the most notorious elections America has seen in years; Imagine if everyone thought their vote didn’t matter… years of fighting to give everyone this right would be disrespected. America would miss their opportunity to be heard

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