An Open Letter To The Boy Who Broke My Heart | The Odyssey Online
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An Open Letter To The Boy Who Broke My Heart

Love makes you do mysterious things.

An Open Letter To The Boy Who Broke My Heart

When I was in high school, I was certain that I was going to marry my best friend. My wedding board on Pinterest was made and I already knew whom my bridesmaids would be, but eventually we grew apart. I thought my heart was broken then, but I was wrong.

When I was a freshman in college, I met a boy who I believed was like no other boy I had ever met – average height, beautiful eyes and a “heart of gold.” We spent a lot of time together, I pushed my friends away and ultimately, I guess you could say I fell in love.

That was until he showed a side of himself I had never seen before. From the lies to the game playing, I stuck around because “love makes you do mysterious things.” This letter isn’t to hurt him, but rather to thank him.

Thank you for showing me friendship.Thank you for all of the life talks and episodes of "Extreme Treehouse" but most of all, thank you for showing me who my true friends were when you left. You showed me that no matter how hard I pushed some people away, they would still be there through the mountains and the valleys of life.

Thank you for helping me realize a relationship is not the biggest priority in life.I came to college thinking that I would find the love of my life and we would do everything together. When you left, I found some of my biggest passions in life. I found that being in a relationship is actually kind of annoying and you get to take a lot fewer naps.

Thank you for lying. I know that you’re probably questioning why I’m thanking you for lying to me, but you taught me not to trust every guy who tells you they’re only talking to me. You showed me how to fight for what I thought was right and that I deserve more than to be lied to about your ex-girlfriend.

Ultimately, thank you for being my first true love. You showed me the good, the bad and the ugly sides of a relationship. You taught me that friendships are always more important than any relationship and to value the people who will third wheel just to hang out with you. You showed me heartbreak, but you also taught me how to heal myself and how to handle the hurt, even on the worst days. You’ll always be a large part of my first love story and for that, I’m forever grateful.

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