Whether it's a fish, a horse, or anything in between, a pet is a pet. They're there for you when you're happy or sad, through all of life's journeys and obstacles, and they're happy to do it. Animals have proven to be hugely beneficial, especially for empty nesters, children, and individuals dealing with mental and physical disabilities.
For example, owning a dog can help with physical activity literally on a daily basis. Dogs are active, and love to explore the world around them. Taking them for walks to the dog park or even just around your neighborhood is good exercise for the both of you. They can also help with mental processes, even just by being in the same room as you. No matter what animal you choose to bring in to your life, it's a companion.
The first pet I had was a hamster. My mom freaked out in Petco and started crying in the middle of all the little glass cages. We ended up buying a little Panda Bear hamster from a locally owned pet shop, and he lived a long life. Well, in terms of hamster years. I have many memories of my sisters and I taking turns holding him while we watched Disney Channel and arguing over who had to clean the cage. My first pet came with a lot of trial and error, and a whole lot of lessons. I learned responsibility in how to take care of a living thing, like cleaning and maintaining his food and water, time management in working whatever my job was for the day in to my busy 6th grade routine, and I got to experience first hand a full cycle of life. Death is, without a question, one of the hardest things a person has to deal with. People who have had pets throughout their life are better equipped to handle basically any stressful situation better. Humans have always bonded with animals, and I truly believe it's extremely important for everyone to experience why.
Pets provide us with loyalty, companionship, love, and affection, as well as the many physical and mental benefits. They can make our lives feel fuller and happier than ever, teaching us and making us happier and better without even knowing it. The love of an animal is unconditional.