The 2nd month of college is equivalent to how I imagine sky-diving feels like. You are having a blast, but at the same time, you feel like you might have a mental breakdown and pass out at any point. Between midterms, freshmen 15, and a social life, we are all just trying to keep it together.
Freshman year is definitely an adjustment. It's only the second month of being in a totaly new environment, yet I feel like I've lived in the same dorm for about two years already. It's so weird to think about how different my life was just a couple of months ago. I already know I made some of my best friends for the rest of my life. Odds are me and my roommates will end up in the same elderly home 65 years from now together. Why is this starting to sound like a super cheesy old Full House episode? Moving on...
The second month of college really makes you realize how much you miss certain things at home. You aren't really "homesick", you just miss the stupid small stuff you always took for granted. You don't actually want to go home, you just wish certain things from home could be at school with you. For example, I really miss having chicken that was properly cooked. I didn't realize that chicken was such a big deal in my life until I came to college. I currently feel like a vegetarian, which is really not my type of thing (not hating on vegetarians, I just like bacon a little too much). Another thing you begin to get annoyed with during this month is the bathrooms. Who supplies the toilet paper around here? Clearly not someone with a good soul.
As Kylie Jenner would say, "This is the year of just realizing stuff". Now replace "year" with "month". Bravo Kylie, you are describing my life right now, you go girl. During October, you realize who your friend groups are, if the kid who sits next to you is creepy or flirty, and just overall if you are overall happy or not. If you aren't happy, make some changes because this is supposed to be the "best years of your life". I was also told that saying was about high school but whoever said that about high school probably never made it to college.