10 Bests Of Oswego's Harborfest
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10 Bests Of Oswego's Harborfest

Another Harborfest has come and gone

10 Bests Of Oswego's Harborfest
Oswego Harborfest

For every Oswegonian, and even people in neighboring towns, the word "Harborfest" can mean a lot of different things. For college students, it's a drunken free-for-all and a chance to see everyone you went to high school with -- whether you want to or not. For parents, it's somewhat of a nightmare as they try to get a hold of said college students despite the inevitable fact no one ever has service at Breitbeck Park. Universally, everyone can agree Harborfest is the biggest weekend for Oswego -- economically and socially. Here are the top 10 best (or worst depending how you look at it) parts of Harborfest!

1. Gyros.

Of course, to start off this list I had to begin with what could possibly be my favorite part of H'fest: gyros. Whether you get it the traditional way with lamb or opt for chicken, it really isn't Harborfest until you've eaten at least one of these. Undoubtedly you will end up with cucumber sauce all over you, but that's part of the experience. I could make a list entirely made up of the delicious (and sometimes questionable) "Harborfest food" but just to name a few others: bloomin' onions, ribbon fries, fried dough, Mac 'a Rollin, etc. You get the point.

2. The rides.

For many people, the rides are a huge part of their Harborfest experience. Unfortunately, like any fair, the rides are always overpriced and not that great, but somehow you'll end up forking over the cash anyway (or using someone else's wristband if you're sneaky like that). I usually opt out of even venturing toward this part of Harborfest because there's always kids begging and crying for their parents to let them go on just one more! That being said, if you haven't at least gone on the pirate ship one time slightly tipsy, you probably aren't doing Harborfest right.

3. The swarm of "cool" middle schoolers.

Ironically, my best memories of Harborfest aren't the most recent ones, but actually the ones from my middle school years (yes, that is me and my best friend in eighth grade). I remember riding the trolley all around the city -- we never even got off anywhere, we just rode it back and forth from the West side to the East side and back again, making fun of the drunk older teenagers we would one day become (sorry mom). Looking back, we were definitely nowhere near as cool as we thought we were, but it's funny to see not much has changed -- except middle schoolers today seem to have a much better fashion sense. Unfair.

4. "Lemonade."

Need I say more? We all know what's really in those lemonade cups. I'm still waiting for the year I remember to save mine so I can skip the initial $6 and go right for the $3 refill.

5. The Harborfest plays.

OK, so maybe not everyone can relate to this one, but I know so many people who have participated in the Harborfest children's plays over the years. For many, it's the first show they perform in, and some of these kids even go on to become musical theater majors in college. They're really cute and fun to watch, not to mention an excuse to venture over to the East side, so if you've never gone, check it out!

6. Fried -- everything.

Fried Oreos, fried pickles, fried Reese's, fried PB&J -- you name it, you can probably find it. The various fried snacks are probably some of the most unhealthy things you'll find to eat at Harborfest (and that's saying something), but you really can't resist.

7. Shopping!

All throughout the city there are tents set up with cute boho clothing, knock-off purses and sunglasses, cheap jewelry and more. It's always fun to look around and browse, and even if you tell yourself you won't buy anything this year, somehow you'll end up with 5 toe rings. You can probably find all this stuff at Bodified or Midnight Sun on any given day in Oswego, but where's the fun in that? You need that Harborfest souvenir.

8. Tourists.

Oswego isn't the biggest tourist spot in upstate NY, but there are a lot of out-of-towners who come to visit for Harborfest weekend. It's a chance for us to show off our city to family and friends. Some would argue Harborfest is not the best example of what Oswego has to offer (Sunday morning it's usually pretty gross because of all the mayhem that goes down Saturday night), but others would say Harborfest is what you make it, and there's nothing that says you can't dip out from the festivities to enjoy an ice cream cone from Bev's and watch the sunset peacefully.

9. The concerts.

This may be one of the best parts about Harborfest for adults because usually, although most people my age have probably never heard of them, the music acts are classic bands who might not be the biggest names in music, but have one or two hits from the eighties that our parents just have to listen to. It's also a great opportunity to hear local music. The best part? They're free! Now if only they would bring Aaron Carter back (sigh).

10. Fireworks.

The best for last, the grand finale of Harborfest weekend: the Saturday night firework show! Everyone knows Saturday is the day for Harborfest-- the most fun, most chaotic, most drunk day/night of Harborfest. The fireworks really are amazing and no matter if you've had your blanket in place since Thursday (which people legitimately do) or just pop a squat wherever you happen to be when they start, everyone watches the fireworks. I remember being little and my parents pulling us in our Fisher Price wagon through the crowd to our spot and being so excited. The worst part of it all is trying to be the traffic after they end -- ugh.

Whether you spend your Harborfest sober or drunk, with the family or out with friends, in the bars or wandering the city nearly everyone finds some way to have a good time the last weekend of July. It marks the beginning of August and the end of summer, a chance to have fun before work and school commence. It's always a little bittersweet to see the tents and rides being taken down Sunday, but you know it's just one short year until you get to do it all over again.

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