Ten Things Turing Ten in 2016
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Ten Things Turing Ten in 2016

Ten years ago marked the beginning of several social iconic movies, and music artists beginning their journey.

Ten Things Turing Ten in 2016

2006 was a great year for the world of pop culture, as it started many icon’s careers. Ten years ago marked the beginning of several social iconic movies, and music artists beginning their journey. This is a list of ten things turning ten in 2016.

1. High School Musical

On January 20th, the world witness a Disney Channel television movie that became the most watched Disney Channel Original Movie for that year, High School Musical. The popularity grew that a sequel was not that far behind, being released just a year later. And we were all in this together.

2. The Premier of Hannah Montana

In March of 2006, Disney Channel premiers Hannah Montana, and we got the Best of Both Worlds. Miley Cyrus made her debut as the main star in the show, and released her double album feature her own solo album in Meet Miley Cyrus just a year later in 2007. In late 2007, Miley Cyrus embarked on her Best of Both Worlds tour breaking into the music world, and successfully rocking it. Though, in 2016, Miley Cyrus is a bit different than her alter ego of Hannah Montana, the world would have never known about her without that blonde wig.

3. Jo Bro’s first Album

Speaking of Miley Cyrus, in August of 2006, The Jonas Brothers released their first album, It’s About Time. And it was about time. The youngest member, Nick Jonas, was just 14 years old. Year 3000 was a single off the album, and threw the brothers into fame with the young Disney crowd. In years following the album, they blew up big time with disney fans, and made appearances on Disney Channel, more music release, and starred in a Disney Channel Original Movie, Camp Rock. Though the Jo Bros aren’t a band anymore, Kevin, Joe and Nick are doing their own thing in 2016.

4. The first Taylor Swift album

Remember when Taylor Swift was country? Me neither. Since her first self-titled album, Taylor Swift, released in 2006, Taylor Swift in 2016 is a huge singer-songwriter artist that has female empowerment and massive influence on many young women. In the past ten years, she released five studio albums, and went on four concert tours. She became a voice actor in 2012’s The Lorax, and guest starred in television shows. She won numerous awards and became a social icon. Her songs about break ups created much media attention and close following of her dating life. Whether you love or the T-Swift, she has accomplished a lot in her career in ten years.

5. I’m Bringing Sexy Back

Justin Timberlake released his second studio album, Futuresex/LoveSounds in 2006, with the single SexyBack, that quickly become number one on the billboard charts. The song won awards, and was performed at the Victoria Secret Fashion Show.

6. White and Nerdy

Weird Al Yankovic is famous for creating hilarious parodies of popular songs. One of his most popular parodies would be the cover of “Ridin” by Chamillionaire and Krayzie Bone, that was titled “White and Nerdy.” With it, came a hilarious music video that showcases just how white and nerdy Weird Al is. That’s right, folks, this song turns ten this year.

7. The Devil Wears Prada

This comedy drama film starring the amazing Meryl Streep, and the wonderful Anne Hathaway became a 2006 box office hit and a hit in our hearts.

8. She’s The Man

Speaking of box office hits, She’s The Man came out ten years ago, and fans have enjoyed it ever since. The film stars Amanda Bynes as Viola Hastings who pretends to be her twin brother, entering his school to play soccer. It becomes hilarious as she tries to fit in with the boys and not blow her cover as a female. Channing Tatum plays her roommate, and some romantic feeling begins to ensue. The hilarious film is a fan favorite.

9. Spotify was created.

Founded in April 2006, Spotify is a digital music service that gives you access to millions of songs. Spotify is free for anyone, however only in shuffle mode on mobile devices, and occasional ads. Premium includes all access to Spotify and no ads. Also, for any college students out there, it’s 50% off a month, not a bad deal. I am an avid user of Spotify and find it convenient to listen to any song.

10. Twitter was created.

Tweet-Tweet. After Facebook was created in 2004, two years later in 2006, Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone, and Noah Glass and launched in July 2006. It is an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140-character messages called “tweets". Twitter exploded and become incredibly popular in recent years with more than 310 million active users in 2016. It’s a great platform for fans to connect and follow favorite music artists or celebrities. It’s also great for artists and actors to announce music releases, move dates, or other projects to the fans.

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