Tired Of Seeing Sea Creatures Die? Yeah, 4Ocean Is, Too. | The Odyssey Online
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Tired Of Seeing Sea Creatures Dying From Plastic Ingestion? Yeah, 4Ocean Is, Too

To date 4Ocean has already pulled 782,837 pounds of trash from the ocean, and that number is continuously growing

Tired Of Seeing Sea Creatures Dying From Plastic Ingestion? Yeah, 4Ocean Is, Too

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They sell super cute bracelets with a cause.

This bracelet is not only cute and beachy, but actually DOES something. Every time you purchase a bracelet from 4Ocean, they promise to pull one pound of trash from the oceans and coastlines. Wearing this bracelet symbolizes your commitment to cleaner oceans and a cleaner future. The whole bracelet is even made from recycled materials and the beads are specifically made from 100% recycled glass.


They're actually DOING something about our oceans plastic problem.

Everyone knows our planet is suffering from a plastic problem – but no one is doing anything about it. Approximately 16 billion pounds of plastic enter the oceans EACH YEAR (sciencemag.org). This is a serious problem!! 4Ocean's mission is to stop it. The company employs cleanup crews all over the world from Florida to Bali. Their job is to clean our oceans and coastlines seven days a week. Along with the full time workers they also host a variety of cleanups in order to have the greatest impact they can.


The support other causes.

Along with cleaning the ocean, 4Ocean also partners with an organization monthly and produces a new style of bracelet. Whenever you buy one of those bracelets not only will 4Ocean pull one pound of trash from the oceans and shorelines, but they will also donate a percentage to the partnered organization. For the month of June 2018, 4Ocean has partnered with Florida Atlantic University Marine Research Lab in a mission to help save the Sea Turtles. Some other causes they have supported have been saving the whales, Earth Day, growing and planting coral reefs, and saving the polar bears just to name a few.


They get the community involved.

All around the world 4Ocean is hosting beach and offshore cleanups that volunteers within the community can help at. Unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity to personally volunteer in these events because they typically occur in Florida, California, and Bali, but I do hope to participate in one at some point in my life. They try their best to really give those who want to help their community the opportunity to do so.


They make it easier than ever to help our planet – without even leaving the couch!

If you are constantly seeing videos online of our suffering ocean and you want to help but you don't know how, start by visiting 4Ocean.com. By purchasing just one bracelet, 4Ocean promises to pull one pound of trash from the oceans and shorelines. The bracelets are cute and they support an amazing cause. I wear mine proudly every day and I have never once thought twice about my purchase to help the oceans.


In the time that it took me to write this article, the number of pounds pulled from the ocean that I mentioned in the beginning has already grown to 782,852, so 4Ocean really is having a huge impact on our oceans!

DISCLAIMER: I was not sponsored in any way by 4Ocean to write this article, this is all my personal opinion and facts I have gathered from their website, 4Ocean.com.

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